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Blackcipher CPU usage spiking?
Anyone else having this issue? It wasn't present a couple of months ago for me at least.
http://imgur.com/a/OvDsjI have seen it spike to as much as 12% even when i am just sitting in town.
You can kill the process, but I would not advise doing so as it will risk flagging the account for modification and kick you from the game. Either that or get a random disconnection.
They really need to fix these optimization issues Cipher presents, or get rid of it entirely and replace it with a more secured way to flag accounts for moderating their clients.
They must know that there's already a problem, they released "Multiprocessing" awhile back (that I need to use in order to host properly, i7 GTX1080 SSD not stronk enuff), so let's progressively make the game run worse seemingly every major update.
I usually feel like calling for an optimization update is a bit silly, but Jesus Christ this game runs like ass compared to many more power hungry games on the same rig. Devcat pls fix, the game runs worse than it did in 2012.
Anyway. You can throttle that bastard program and see how your performance is.
Gigabyte GTX 970
Samsung EVO 850
And a stripped and optimized Win 7-64bit Ultimate
Yes. It's nice to run pretty much every modern game at max settings with 60+ FPS, and Vindictus to only run at half that at max settings. But I guess my PC just can't handle the cutting edge graphics and physics of Vindictus.