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  • RIP our usefull fansites

    MrGold wrote: »
    Suhpreme wrote: »
    haha sanitee moved on to BDO

    good choice

    Hopefully she doesn't heavily invest in that game, like she did with Vindictus. This should be a wake call for a lot of players here, throwing down thousands of dollars on their accounts or spending countless hours on fan projects to help Vindictus. I know players that have already pulled back their support because of it.

    Black Desert is trash.
    And yes, as of over 6 months ago I have not spent a single dime on Vindictus because issues posted in this thread and on-going issues that I see with Vindictus.

    One of the most stupid things to have come about also is where Nexon will aggressively moderate their forums by moving topics to places like Off-Topic where they can try and hide it away from the more general players.

    I'm really glad players have gathered on Steam's review for Vindictus to protest this granting it a "mostly negative" in the recent reviews.
    What I am sad about is that because of Nexon's poor management and inability to work towards retaining players Vindictus will likely fall away to nothing and get shut down.

    -mailbox glitch
    -horribly laggy servers that were the result of botters and gold sellers yet Nexon still claiming it was nothing
    -stupid enhancement system which punishes players heavily for trying to get better gear
    -extortionist pricing for cash shop items
    -inability to listen to players about anything in their decision making from Nexon Launcher to BlackCipher
    -horrible interaction between management of the game and the players (long live Zoltar, he was literally the best it ever got and it still could've been so much better)
    -banning players for stuff like this

    In case you haven't seen it yet, Shippu has posted on his site about this a bit more. And I don't even like Shippu, I've talked with him a few times in-game and his personality grates on me so take that as you will that I'm agreeing with him on this.

    To make it short.
    -Shippu verified with customer support that the ban was for the use of a certain program which cannot alter the game files.
    -Shippu states the program is used only to data mine the files to get information.
    -Nexon responded saying data mining is against the ToS and is bannable.
    -Shippu makes the argument that if data mining is against the ToS then the offical Vindictus wiki which Nexon has asked players to update and which was built by players data mining the game should be taken down because Nexon is literally asking players to data mine the game to update its official Vindictus wiki so they can get banned. Just an awesome job from Nexon, I think.

    Remember over 2-3 years ago when we had a really awesome site which had a better format and where you could do equipment checks and weapon checks at? It was taken down because the group hosting it said the Vindictus section of their website was used too infrequently to justify the upkeep?
    And now we lose the Armory and the Inn due to Nexon's own arrogant attitude and inflexibility in enforcing stupid things like Nexon Launcher, BlackCipher, auto bans, bans over false points where Sanitee is not even altering the game? Yeah, Vindictus deserves to go down and with this being the only game I play from Nexon, good riddance to Nexon.
  • New players! How is the population?

    You also missed the Sanitee ban hype and the 5 out of every 12 players still playing the game just generally being really annoyed.
    Or in more direct terms, 100 out of the remaining 240 players that play this game.

    How do I know this?
    Because back in the day I could run the same boat at the same time 30 days and never see the same person.
    Now I host a boat and have to alt/tab for 10 minutes before it even begins filling up. Or I host a boat and it's only the SAME people joining because there is no one else on.

    All these years of people going, "will Black Desert be the Vindictus killer?" Aion? Tree of Savior? ArcheAge? etcetc
    In the end, what killed Vindictus is the rancid attitude that Nexon continues to employ.

    Merging the two servers isn't even worthwhile now. All you're doing is putting band-aids over the holes of a ship that is already underwater.
    Not to mention that it probably isn't even easily doable or else they would've done it already.

    This reminds me of what happened in Dragon Nest.
    Nexon took this really bad stance of enforcing no gold sellers in Dragon Nest.
    Within 6 months the economy had collapsed on itself as the population shrank to nothing until Nexon finally was forced to just give up Dragon Nest. Now it's not a Nexon game anymore.

    Vindictus already faces impossible issues with player retention due to equipment progression thanks to the stupid break upon enhance system. Then it forces users to use a stupid launcher which no one wanted and throwing in BlackCipher. Now we have lost the only TWO fansites while Nexon cites really stupid reasons. More people leave. More and more...

    It's sad but I am over 6 years into Vindictus and I'm pretty sure the end is near now.
    I have never once in the past advocated for others to leave Vindictus (if you browse other sites where no one even knows about Vindictus but someone keeps posting about how it's a game that you should try out then that person is probably me trying to perform CPR on Vindictus) but at this point in time I am telling you, and any new player, that Vindictus is not worth your time until Nexon listens to us and fixes the issues we currently have. The saddest part is that now it feels like Vindictus is so far gone that any move Nexon makes to try and make the game better will just result in more players leaving as they will see the ship as simply drifting into the abyss and all of Nexon's actions from now on will just seem like desperation.
  • Hows the game now?

    Getting +10 endgame weapon is easier than ever.

    Getting +15 min/max endgame weapon is just as impossible as ever. If you quit because your weapon always broke and then you lose hundreds of hours of work when that weapon was destroyed, there's no point in coming back. Because that is still here.

  • Which char are you creating with the added slot?

    Why do you currently have multiple characters on one account?

    -Event titles and items are only obtained for one so your alternate characters can never be "complete."
    -For really nice event items such as premium enhancement runes you only get one.

    You are really just punished for having one account stuffed with characters.
  • [Merge] Ferghus can now repair items?

    RankZ wrote: »
    No this is amazing. This means if you fail +4/5/6/7/8, which is VERY common, then you don't have to throw it away or buy dura pots. And as you should all know by now, lower dura = lower enhance success rate.

    From the statement this requires a like weapon to be used.
    That means if you have a level 80 Heremon Twin Swords with 10 durability and you want to restore its durability a bit you have to use another level 80 Heremon Twin Swords.
    Ferghus destroys the new one to restore durability a bit on the other one.

    -You would of course just try to enhance the second one with 100 durability stock on it before you use it to restore durability.
    -If you are enhancing to +10 without runes you're wasting your time. I have literally had over 50 weapons before and none of them make it over +8.
    -Once you rune to +10 it doesn't matter what your durability is. Leave it alone or go for broke (and the weapon will be broken).
    -If your weapon is already past +10 at the level where you want it to be then durability is a moot point. You will probably have over 130 durability on there and be able to run multiple raids before the need to repair.

    Also, please stop spreading pointless superstition about enhance rates. The fountain does nothing, durability does nothing. Not unless you have over 800 weapons and you enhance them all while recording it all so we can take statistical information from their enhance rates across varying data points. For instance, have 800 weapons at durability 255. Have 800 weapons at durability 1. All at +10. Now enhance them all to +11 and see if the 255 durability ones enhance with greater success than the 1 durability ones. My bet is on no.