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Sekaiiz wrote: »
Looks like 200 130 35
That's what I was thinking, a friend of mine uses that color according to what I saw on paint when I viewed their gear. Yet I've never seen that RBG in my life, maybe I'm just unlucky. Guess I better camp …
BabyDani wrote: »
i just want to add, in season 2 story runs (and maybe season 3?), if the host does the forfeit thing after the boss is dead (to exit back to town quicker), the rest of the party will often not get their loot/exp/ap +mad
Arrow95 wrote: »
I will just post this here, att speed matters to kai not much as scythe evie, but for gun aim for 50speed as a min, and 60attspeed for bow as a min(low speed bow kai is such trash its no joke)
Any other Kai players around to su…
I was curious about this too. I wanted a second character besides my Evie but didn't want to commit to getting much more gear than the bare minimum of whatever is required for Dullahan, as well as being fundamentally simple as a class.
If I under…
Thanks! I know it's hard to tell on the video, but do you have any idea about the gauntlets? Found the other pieces ingame for sure but I couldn't find much by looking into gloves.
If I decided to do a mixed set, are the chest and weapon types switchable? Say I wanted to mix Cloth with Heavy (Lugh/Braha).
I could do Braha Weapon, Feet, and Hands with Lugh Chest, Helm, and Legs OR I could do Braha Chest, Feet, and Hands with…
So if I did use Void Star rather than Arcane Gate, when would I be using it? On cooldown? Wouldn't it be better to use it when you have excess (3 bars) so that you can cast Insane Reaper on cooldown?
Also, If I can land my smashes but can't pull…
DivineAngel wrote: »
Here is a Doc with all the weapon's size and range .
Including the level 95 weapons.
Thanks! And the effective …
Between the West and East servers, which is more active? I actually have a character on both with the character on the west only a little bit ahead, so I don't mind playing on either.