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  • Are the outfits in the screen photoshoped or real outfits in some version? If they're real, its plausible that they could port for our verison of the game too. I'd like that xD
  • It says when you try to use a fusion rune that you can only fuse items you can wear. If they're class specific, hence you can't wear them, and also, can't fuse them. That's how fusion runes work. Sorry about your loss, don't think they'll do a…
  • As I thought, her transformation skill is a little like Delia's Zenith. Enjoy how you are not going to be able to use it in royal raids.
  • SlyGoat wrote: » Lmao, you guys and your EU servers talking about farming gold, meanwhile a full bonus mission run in US East doesn't pay for a single enhance stone. I wonder why the gold farm bots never made it to EU. They sometimes appear in …
  • Everyone knows that... Joining a level 20 guild gives you around 2k AP, some people join a guild just for that matter. Then leave, or do whatever the "Guildless" do. I like my Guild, playing with people is what has kept me in the game.
  • Puppyman wrote: » JynXi wrote: » I dont see this 'I safe quest for exp'. Is the stuff you all give up, worth that little exp that you get? I think that's only me :> Also now with RISE changes autumn reed bed goes like nothing for so muc…
  • Ingkells wrote: » theyve said no more second weapons on a few occasions, but never say never. profits take priority over promises 'round these parts I still think it wouldn't be fair for the newer characters to be 1 weapon only. I have hope th…
  • ErinieI wrote: » So..... when do we get our real compensation? This is just a joke. I used to think we deserved some kind of compensation. But at this point, I'll just be glad the lag be fixed. The game was really starting to die.
  • Vindictus Official Site wrote: UPDATE: We have opened service for the East, West and EU Regions. The Australian Region will remain in maintenance, as we are still sorting out issues with that service. Thank you for your patience. According to t…
  • dordavid wrote: » what will happend if i will try to do 1vs 1 win and then lose and then try to match agian if i can and win agian and lose will i get any seals from thoes win and lose the least time ? with out any waiting? or i wont even ayble t…
  • DeCoyThatGuy wrote: » [...] Just have faith in them. I don't expect you to put 100%, but compared to other MMO's I have played (don't want to name them, for reasons), these people show they care. There will always be angry people. Even if somethi…
  • I read someone say that if they put skills on the new quick slot bar (1 2 and 3) they can't use the corresponding skill from the revolver. Remove your Extended quick slot skills/items and try again, it should fix. That's a temporary fix, Nexon/D…
  • RobertLivia wrote: » Weiss_Oswald wrote: » But to be honest, as you say, there's not really much they can do to compensate us, but oh well, I can dream can't I? +20 coupon will have to do I guess... That's overkill I'd be happy w…
  • 7thRonin wrote: » You guys should really add some kind of program that tracks what battles/raids are being run on a daily/weekly basis, the difficulty of these battles, how many people are in each group that runs said battle/raid, how many deaths …
  • jeddyhi wrote: » No fragment was available. Do not call me cheap. It cheapens you. I didn't mean to offend you. I get nothing out of your misery, I'd get happy for you if your "trick" would have worked. But you need to admit it, by trying to…
  • blu3for3v3r wrote: » What compensation you want before it's fixed. I want more fps, less lag, more people in eu server, more boats. None compensation will make me happier if I cant play Vindictus as before the release Ein Lacher patch. I don't …
  • Aquasol wrote: » Weiss_Oswald wrote: » I wonder why didn't EU server get the same treatment with the lag issue. One week lag problem was too long. Each server had a different issue; seems like whatever the West server had, was much easier to …
  • That's sad, but also suits you for trying to be cheap. Enchant runes are there for something OR Next time buy the fragment instead, they're tradeable.