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Hi Good Morning dear Family of Vindictus Enjoy the true spirit of Christmas, you will not find it in gifts and vanities, it is in our actions by giving more than receiving and worrying about others working with charity and selfless love for the common good, I wish you congratulations and hope that the miracle of Christmas transforms you into better people. PS: The greatest Christmas gift, we already have is the life and our invaluable loved ones, try to make the best for your community, country or state its time for suprise others and give carity to the peeople that need support, think in what aspects we can improve our lifes for try to improve this world that are based sadly in mercantilism, my best wish to all is that no put your happiness in money are illusions of this world, focus in enjoy the time with company of friends and family no only in this holidays, is the way to enjoy the moment, & the life happy holidays to all until next year greetings. Also iam retired for this forum, If anyone are interested or like to be in contact i continue to support in our discord server: https://discordapp.com/invite/j9b26G6 or visit us for see art , videos and events in Youtube for the ch : Vindictus Fan Events Ty for 9 long years for this game and i hope to the community continue in unity way, and no surrender for share ideas for improve the game to KR server iam happy for see in the game part of our ideas for the clone system, as mainly for try to made unique events for this game for enjoy the time with our dear community of Vindictus, ty for all the friendship is the best reward that i get in this game, one hug to all greetings.


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June 4, 1992
Personal Quote
Facebook Page
About Me
Protector of the community of the guilds: GoddessDivas , HAWKS & PussiCats. Designer and digital illustrator. Friendly and participatory whenever someone need help. Impartial, fair and reliable. Loyal to the community of Vindictus. Experience in the game: Player of vindictus (6years +) GM of guilds (5 years +). Experience in design: Historian and analyst of the art & design (7 years +) Illustrator (6 years+) Designer of clothes ( 6 years+).


  • Hi Good Morning dear Family of Vindictus Enjoy the true spirit of Christmas, you will not find it in gifts and vanities, it is in our actions by giving more than receiving and worrying about others working with charity and selfless love for the co…
  • Hi Good Morning dear Family of Vindictus Enjoy the true spirit of Christmas, you will not find it in gifts and vanities, it is in our actions by giving more than receiving and worrying about others working with charity and selfless love for the co…
  • #Update: Regarding point # 4 of this post: Thematic maps as RAR and increase of participants by raid. I just wanted to say thanks, for listening to our ideas, I hope with this variation of thematic by scenarios or bosses, the daily raids in RAR…
  • Great job dear sculp, personally for your current works i like: 06/27/2019 / Evie & 06/21/2019 / Delia PS: Success in your future projects then with time , I share my analysis, to you on discord , it only remains to say that every da…
  • Flyline wrote: » I'm here hello Hi good Day my dear Fly ty for your greeting , also welcome to our family for GoddessDivas , i really like to know friends as you for all parts of the world , is the way for enjoy the games better with frien…
  • #Update : #2 I already buy the Outfit of Claire ty for contact me , for now i`m looking for guys that sell the Pet for Iset , if any have one pls contact me on discord, thanks.
  • #Update : I already buy the gloves, thank you for contacting me . Status of the Buying: I keep buying the outfit Claire, if I'm not in the game, do not hesitate to contact me in discord to : AINARA#3643 For the Iset Pet I iam intereste…
  • #Fishing the weekend as in the old, times . Thanks for continuing to visit us in this post soon more art and surprises destined exclusively for our community of games and guilds. Also we continue to recruit new players and veterans f…
  • #Fishing the weekend as in the old, times . Thanks for continuing to visit us in this post soon more art and surprises destined exclusively for our community of games and guilds. Also we continue to recruit new players and veterans f…
  • I add the update in the proposals for : #Remove the current update that only players who deal 7% damage receive drops. We need that all players are considered in the game . All welcome to participate in a survey related to the changes you…
  • I add the update in the proposals for : #Remove the current update that only players who deal 7% damage receive drops. We need that all players are considered in the game . All welcome to participate in a survey related to the changes you…
  • #Update : #Remove the current update that only players who deal 7% damage receive drops. Before it was okay to do 1% damage, to receive drops, now that the update increase the damage rate for get drops, so that only players who have high …
  • Hello good afternoon, Community of Vindictus #Update: Opening slots for active and friendly active players who like to enter to our guilds: HAWKS & GoddessDivas more information just contact whodat or VYLET in discord.  For my par…
  • Hello good afternoon, sorry for the late response, @ShiragikuRose for now I only play in my free lapses for my work in art, however you will always be all welcome to play with us, any of our 3 guilds are good option to join and make to enjoy the …
  • Hi #good night community , I inform to all that this is my last post, I'm retiring from the community temporarily. I hope that the details provided in this game since 6 years ago, you dear players & family will treasure them and keep them …
  • Hi #good night community , I inform to all that this is my last post, I'm retiring from the community temporarily. I hope that the details provided in this game since 6 years ago, you dear players & family will treasure them and keep them …
  • #Success in your work and have a happy valentin 0 = ) greetings Sculp.
  • I wish to all members of our Community of Vindictus to have a great happy valentin. Its time for swore your promises of love and happiness, to any person that you admire , any person that need to know the letter for love , you can take ad…
  • I wish to all members of our Community of Vindictus to have a great happy valentin. Its time for swore your promises of love and happiness, to any person that you admire , any person that need to know the letter for love , you can take ad…
  • Hello good night community, Today the #Hashtag is : #Thanos avenger me Participate with us guys in this ch for our server : #meme-factory good place to coexistence , break the ice and interact with all. When I have time I will do more m…