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errr, you know you have no more players left right??? there are no boats??? no one can host even solo anymore??? this can't be the first time you've heard this, can it ?????

Plus, there are private boats that doesn't show up on the boat board, so there is that as well (I usually do it all the time because I don't like stow-a-ways afking on me.)
Honestly, I think the 90 weapons are way too powerful for their own good since many players are soloing runs and raids. It's become a total cake walk if you have enough practice in.
Also, there is prime time as well, which is usually around 6PM pacific if you're on west since most jobs orientate on a 9-5 schedule.
I never had any problem with finding boats other than Nilfheim, but come on, who even does that anymore?
I also have an East character waiting AFK for FFA to come up in the megaphones so I can complete the stories.
if pvp wasn't suck that bad.
Play for free???
Pillar Karok
Personally I complain a lot about Nexon management, but I try to keep my friends, guildies and even stranger play because I like the game. So, please, if you have nothing constructive to say and you don't even know about what happen in the game, don't talk like you know it all.
Dont sit on the boat hoping that randoms will walk by and join. Setup the party beforehand. All you need to do is message a few people in your friendlist/guild chat. You can even invite friends to your ingame chat room and they will stay in it even after they logout.
Get a party of like 6-8 people for s2/s3 raids, most of them will stay for the whole set so you wont have to spend time after every battle sitting on the boat waiting for people.