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So last year i bought the Valentine's Day Devotion Ring Box
and i bought quite alot of them around 30 boxes.
This is the Page of Valentine 2018 webpage
As here states it contains +5 luck +5 stamina.

Somewhere a few months ago this item got changed without any notice.
As seen here:

This is not the item i payed alot of nx for and i hope to see this fixed
or compensated for. Other wise this will fall under Deceptive practices.
Thank you for your time.
Greetings TealHearts
⏵Guild: Prospectors⏴
❤【Trusted NX Seller ⁽ᴱᵁ⁾】 ✧ 【Guild Master】❤

You technically purchased a digital item and Nexon has the right to change the item any time they wish according to their ToU which you agreed to when you play the game.
My advice is to just talk to Nexon support or live chat and see what they say, other than that, there's not much you could do. Sorry.
I don't use facebook
and regardless of their rights this still falls under Deceptive practices (if intended)
Either way, I have a feeling they probably just changed the item so that they could reuse it for the upcoming Valentine's event and overlooked the fact that some people might still have them. I'd suggest trying to file a ticket with support if you can, or send them an email.
Also, just for clarity, I do really do feel sorry for you that they changed the item, I hope they can resolve this for you.
You need it for that live support :')
EDIT: Just so that I can be clear, were you trying from here?
Scammed btw
I don't think i will buy the item again since they just randomly change the whole
thing and value LOL F*ck this
You know what this means.
I have one or two of these unopened still sitting in my inventory so whoopie. "We can only advise you to be careful" well that is rich.
A long time ago I bought an extraction rune from the nx store. At this time they were limited time items, and they cost 25 dollars. I had planned to use the thing to transfer my lvl 90 weapons enchants to my lvl 95 weapon. At this time Righteous and Judgment cost like 80-125 million gold so it seemed worth it. A month later they put out a notice that I have 30 days to use the rune they had just sold me because they were phasing it out for the new (current) stone and the old stones would either be deleted or no longer work, I forget which. I asked for a refund, and they wouldn't do it. I asked if I could just have one of the new stones, and they wouldn't do it. They could have arranged some way for all the owners of old stones to get new stones but apparently it was a lot less trouble to screw me over. 25 dollars. It's not the most money in the world but it's not nothing, I considered it a lot for an item like that and I still do. (I guess Nexon eventually did too because they aren't 25 dollars anymore.) I could buy a decent game for that, or pay some low cost bill like water or gas, I could go get a nice meal or buy the whole family take out, heck if I wanted to spend it in game I could even have spent it on an outfitter or something instead and actually have had something to show for it.
But nope. It was just gone. Poof. And the thing that made me the maddest was the lack of consideration. It's not like they couldn't do anything for me, they chose not to. And it's not like these things don't come out in Korea first. At the point that they sold me that stone, they had to have known that I wouldn't be able to keep it and they said nothing about that to me. This was the response that I got:
This made me so angry that I quit the game for a year and a half. And I love this stupid game. Even now that I have come back to the game I still can't forget it. It creeps up on me from time to time and it leaves me with ugly feelings. I am happy when customer service does help me with a problem but this event keeps me from ever truly being happy with the company and it keeps me from being able to recommend nexon games to people as well as keeping me from trying other nexon games I've been interested in like hyper universe. I wonder how many people have been screwed like this in some fashion and never come back? So I understand how you feel, believe me.
Now if Nexon could hear me I would say this: This sort of thing is just bad for business Nexon, and I seem to want you to succeed more than you seem to want to succeed because I want you to improve and grow and reach a broader audience with your games but you just keep making the same mistakes. You should not be so cavalier about throwing away the good will of people who were previously happy to support you.
Folks, keep your wallets closed and teach them a lesson. Just purchase your items with gold coin. I don't even care if the game gets shut down, honestly... i'll keep riding it for free as long as I can until it shuts down. I've given them around $400 since 2011... but i've kept my wallet shut the last 3-4 years from the terrible customer service and ticket responses I get.
Just keep your wallet closed folks. Let them suffer.
imagine you spend 400 dollar/euro on a Tieve set and they suddenly change it
to that ugly scarecrow outfit just because they feel like it.
i will probably be moving on towards Anthem and pray skins cost 6 dollar or even less
but mostly not getting F*cked over by changing items descriptions and or values.
If you buy them, use them up NOW before they decide to change their mind tommorrow and take away the stats! huehuehue! *keeps wallet shut*
It just boggles me. I worked in customer service, and kinda still am and this is just wow.
We are talking about video game content here versus real money.
Providing a compensation for having screwed up is a minor thing. It costs 0 ressources. It's not like it would cost them to send a replacement product. No. We are talking about logging in on a GM account and sending an in game item through the post. This is beyond effortless.
Amazing how they seem to actually hate their cash cows. (doubt we can call ourselves customer when you see the box/chests system to get excluisve costumes)
PS: they realised they posted the wrong stats for the item and changed it to the new crap that it is.
It just boggles me. I worked in customer service, and kinda still am and this is just wow.
We are talking about video game content here versus real money.
Providing a compensation for having screwed up is a minor thing. It costs 0 ressources. It's not like it would cost them to send a replacement product. No. We are talking about logging in on a GM account and sending an in game item through the post. This is beyond effortless.
Amazing how they seem to actually hate their cash cows. (doubt we can call ourselves customer when you see the box/chests system to get exclusive costumes).