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KR's Nov 3rd update, when everybody is Fiona

Vindictus Rep: 3,975
Posts: 290
edited November 3, 2016 in Future Content
This patch including:

- The enchant revamp that I mentioned in the other topic
- Purple primaries now draw stats from a pool of 5 different fixed stats, but all of them allow you to +10, max 4* and use rank 8 ES. This doesn't affect existing item.

- Season 3 story battles shortened, now only consists of 1 or 2 map. All luminaries, ore veins removed from these.
- Name of stuff changed: Broken stuff -> Destroyed stuff, normal stuff -> Old stuff, Exquisite stuff -> stuff. Destroyed and Old are no longer obtainable.
- (Bring your salt) When enhancing item using stone lower than Empowered Stone (IMO this mean item level 70 and below), the cost and penalty is decreased.
- Muir nerfed. Now he will automatically fell off when his HP drop below a threshold.

Everybody is a Fiona
- Adds Interlude: Call of Duty... nvm, Call of Goddess story. You can start when finished the Syndicate story (Neamhain raid).
- You can obtain an item "NPC Transformation: Ceara" to transform yourself into Ceara.
- Some content is not available during transformation.

- Shared title now count into the total title count of your character.
- You gain 100% stats from them too, not only 80%.
- Ein Lacher's titles doesn't affected by this.

Beauty Shop
- Hair and Inner that only some character can buy is now available for everyone, as long as they have the same gender and body type.
- This change doesn't affect character exclusive hairs.

- Now you can use gamepad to play Succy Queen's nightmare and Muir's balancing minigame.
- Lots of adjustment for gamepad to support different character's unique mechanic, including Evie's casting save, Kai's revolver, Lynn's Jade Fox.

Bug fix
- Fixed a bug make Fiona immune to some attack when using Heavy Stander with Small Shield
- Fixed Delia sometime hitting enemy with Wild Star, Active Wild Star, Rising Comet, Full Moon but not dealing damage.
- Fixed Arisha's bug when using Crystal Burst and Ether Zone just before the mana stone come back to you. The buff is now applied correctly. (sound like the small glitch that allow you to restore Sta without getting the 10 seconds CD).
- Fixed Karok's Quick Dempsey to be triggered immediately after Duck (again, I have no idea about these skill).
- Evie will stay still and Snap if you press Snap and stop moving (release movement button?) at once.
- Fixed a bug that make Niflheim battle auto fail when all party member died in normal difficulty.
- Fixed the bug that show incorrect trade properties when you click on a linked item.
AdaryaNecrochildQueenOfManaMJxDNytsuyaAzurewraithChaeldarAqua22Ertxz18BloodAngeland 8 others.


  • SuhpremeSuhpreme
    Vindictus Rep: 3,935
    Posts: 474
    translation plz, i dont speak chinese
  • GreenfiledGreenfiled
    Vindictus Rep: 500
    Posts: 5
  • AnthonytonyboyAnthonytonyboy
    Vindictus Rep: 4,765
    Posts: 351
    I am also curious about it, please someone explain about it :c
    New "NPC" char story playable but limited some quests? Or is just new char?
  • QueenOfManaQueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    The NPC character is Ceara. Maybe there will be NPC point of view quests?
  • LavonneLavonne
    Vindictus Rep: 1,645
    Posts: 96
    It's a vid of a Fiona running.
  • ShadowMadaraShadowMadara
    Vindictus Rep: 2,260
    Posts: 240
    Lavonne said:

    It's a vid of a Fiona running.
    No I believe this is a fiona cosplaying an NPC...either that ot we get to play as an NPC
  • TannakraTannakra
    Vindictus Rep: 1,325
    Posts: 65
    might be like the RP quests in Mabinogi were you "become" that NPC for the duration of the quest
  • AnthonytonyboyAnthonytonyboy
    Vindictus Rep: 4,765
    Posts: 351
    Good patch, i can't wait to see people will cry about wasting their life farming titles for alt chars
  • ikeviikevi
    Vindictus Rep: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    edited November 3, 2016
    I wonder if some contents not available during Everybody is a Fiona includes ein loch?
  • QueenOfManaQueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    edited November 3, 2016
    Regarding the Beauty Shop, I wonder if Delia will finally able to wear the inner armor she has equipped when displaying the 4th armor option after this patch.
  • TannakraTannakra
    Vindictus Rep: 1,325
    Posts: 65

    Regarding the Beauty Shop, I wonder if Delia will finally able to wear the inner armor she has equipped when displaying the 4th armor option after this patch.
    wouldnt bet on it lol in other regions all the females can wear Silver Fox etc and we cant... i can see them not implementing that part of the patch for us when it rolls around

  • NecrochildNecrochild
    Vindictus Rep: 3,325
    Posts: 293
    edited November 4, 2016
    Hell, looks like my time spent getting the character-exclusive gear titles on my alts for stat-sharing were not in vain. Now I get to kick myself for missing out on "Not as think as you drunk I am" back in the day due to a month hiatus once again. Also for not caring about first-to-90-for-x-characters for just about everyone that isn't my main.

    On the upside I get to use "Pwned by GlaDOS" again.
  • XieXie
    Vindictus Rep: 2,115
    Posts: 155
    When Everybody is Fiona

    Guess this video is now finally explained.

  • GewelliriousGewellirious
    Vindictus Rep: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    "- Muir nerfed. Now he will automatically fell off when his HP drop below a threshold."

    This should have happen during test servers anyway.
  • QueenOfManaQueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    I wonder how long we'll have to wait for this update to hit over here. Only time will tell.
  • TheDayInLoveTheDayInLove
    Vindictus Rep: 3,975
    Posts: 290

    I wonder how long we'll have to wait for this update to hit over here. Only time will tell.
    I'm putting my money on 2020.
  • ShadowMadaraShadowMadara
    Vindictus Rep: 2,260
    Posts: 240
    YES SHARED TITLE COUNT now time to wait for shared dungeon CP mission
  • ShadowMadaraShadowMadara
    Vindictus Rep: 2,260
    Posts: 240
    BTW if its shared title can lvl 1 character have like 800 titles then?
  • NytsuyaNytsuya
    Vindictus Rep: 2,710
    Posts: 108

    Bug fix
    - Fixed Delia sometime hitting enemy with Wild Star, Active Wild Star, Rising Comet, Full Moon but not dealing damage.
    MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!! No longer will I CLEARLY hit the enemy and do no dmg and gain no vigor! This happened at least 8-9 times a raid when I'm not hosting. Drove me nuts.

    Now they just need to fix Active: Wildstar taking your sp and doing absolutely nothing...

    I couldn't care less about everything else in that update tbqh.

  • HallyHally
    Vindictus Rep: 1,985
    Posts: 245
    edited November 6, 2016
    I grinded all those grind 50/100/500/1000x titles (except for thousandaire due to motion sickness issues) on three different chars, but I'm still happy about this change. It means no one else need to suffer these boring as hell grinds for hundreds of hours if they decide to pick up another character.