I cant take this game, "game", (or lack there of) anymore.
Partially due to issues I've addressed here
forums.vindictus.nexon.net/discussion/360/food-for-thought/p1The other reason is... well... because its boring. Listless. content dry. redundant. painstaking. taxing. tedious. not-rewarding. insulting. infuriating. frustrating. pointless. fruitless. trivial. I could go on.
Basically any synonym for Unpleasant will do.
I've spent at least $100 or more this year on this account.
I've played over 100 hours or more this year on this account.
I've leveled three characters to level 90.
I've been ranked and active on the server.
I had over 22k MATT on my main. 20k on my first alt and 18k on my second alt.
the cycle of nothingness has taken hold.
I have stuck it out with this game long enough. maybe one day they will announce something so big It reaches me wherever I may be.
however I think there's a more likely chance we as humans will colonize mars tomorrow than this game actually becoming 100% worth it.
You as players have been tugged around by your wallets. You've played countless hours to no avail. The RNG is so gimmicky that you might as well watch a 30 second ad before logging in your so used to the "free to play" bullshit.
NO. Free to play isn't this, Free to play is League of legends (no I don't play that millennial garbage moba .) But they still have over 100million players.
THIS, this is an insult to gamers. And to be perfectly frank the only reason people still play this is to not feel screwed out of their investments.
It'll happen anyway.
So I urge those wise enough to troll the forums.
Leave, while you still have dignity.
because this game is not getting better
It'll never get better.
You've been warned.
I will see to it that this message lives on even after the "Mods" Delete it.
If there is a will there is a way
and if there is a Vindictus
then there's an infinite number of better games you could be playing.
-With love,
Olphena. (See you all in the next life. Hopefully playing Nostalrius

+1 person quit because he didn't play Kai.
Good Evening Kai is Best Class
1: 100 Dollars? is like nothing compared to the megabucks some people lay down daily (not important either)
3: there are many definitions of Free 2 Play it just so happens in your opinion this game isnt free 2 play well lets see here is the official definition of free 2 play
" (Free-to-play (F2P) refers to video games which give players access to a significant portion of their content without paying."
so unfortunately YES this game IS technically under the strictest terms Free 2 Play is this game fair? probably not RNG is never truly fair thats just the way pseudo-random number generation works
4: can we get a less Biased Poll like seriously
5: good luck finding a game with the same combat depth as this game believe me i have tried them all (except Revelations online coz i dont read Moonrunes)
and they all lacked the depth or fun of this games combat but thats just my Opinion on the matter
anyway have a nice day :P
You should actually quit without telling anyone; saves you and everyone else the headache and drama.
As for this thread you will be back they always come back
By doing so, you are intentionally ruining the fun of gaming. I don't agree this game is a joke.
It gave me a lot of fun time and it's a good crafted game.
Unfortunately I have sadly agree all the rest of your statement.
I also level up all 11 chars to level 90 without spending much NX over these years.
And I don't feel like there is a reason to play anymore.
The only good recent events are the leveling up event ending December.
The west NA server is not totally dead, but it's still not easy to find boats you want to join.
I will probably only come back to the game again with yet a new char released.