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Trivial things that shouldn't bother you but does


  • ZensZens
    Vindictus Rep: 10,795
    Posts: 162
    Suukei said:

    Spearing people except when it's necessary and people calling head on a Kraken Raid.
    spearing for trolling only is so annoying too but havent seen it lately
  • LaosduudeLaosduude
    Vindictus Rep: 3,005
    Posts: 124
    Warm welcome tickets, it should go in your inventory RIGHT AWAY
  • MetalVellaMetalVella
    Vindictus Rep: 1,340
    Posts: 17
    Weird clipping issues with certain armor mash-ups image
  • NoburoNoburo
    Vindictus Rep: 2,940
    Posts: 329
    When people use sandbaggy boss attacks as an opportunity to use a lockdown move. I get that it feels safe and there's no chance of getting smacked out of the casting animation, but at least wait until the animation is almost over!
  • LaosduudeLaosduude
    Vindictus Rep: 3,005
    Posts: 124
    Waiting for battle clear
  • SuhpremeSuhpreme
    Vindictus Rep: 3,935
    Posts: 474
    no multiple dye preview
  • LaosduudeLaosduude
    Vindictus Rep: 3,005
    Posts: 124
    Phoenix wings not going into wing slot and having a wing slot for NX tab
  • TheDayInLoveTheDayInLove
    Vindictus Rep: 3,975
    Posts: 290
    edited October 26, 2016
    - Activate my Slashing High and Lako burrow / Elchu flying / Bark moving / Cromm cloning...
    - Can't preview multiple dye and have to use Paint's magic.
    - Half a sec stutter when Muir spit his poison for the 1st time.
    - Havan's attack that goes through my Fiona block / parry without triggering them and break my pattern.
    - Randomness. Will Havan attack me with sand orb / Cromm charging at me or curveball me?
    - Succy Queen's fire trail.
    - No Avatar version of Clodagh dye and vice versa.
    - Rigged +6 enhancement. It's 5%, not 50%.
    - Ppl not believing and ask someone else after getting answer from me.
    - Ppl not reading updates, news posts and keep asking trivial question.
    - How to dodge as a Sword Vella when Juggy charging at me?
    - S3's red attack.
    - Invisible poison / AOE.
    - Pantheum dodging my Lynn & Delia smashes like a pro.

    ... and maybe more.
  • TheGreatCreidneTheGreatCreidne
    Vindictus Rep: 2,655
    Posts: 155
    When Druid does his invul heat gauge reset move in the middle of Arcane Gate...Pretty much any boss with a long invul move during AG.
  • XieXie
    Vindictus Rep: 2,115
    Posts: 155
    This forum's CSS.
  • HangeZoeHangeZoe
    Vindictus Rep: 2,355
    Posts: 100
    edited October 26, 2016
    Using a second account to like all of your own posts! :3 Bad grammar and punctuation, too!
  • BreadmanBreadman
    Vindictus Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 149
    edited October 26, 2016

    ...no but seriously, any sort of flinching.
    I was gonna flag a boss and annoy other people, but some other Lynn flagged the boss and I missed my flag. I was very, very cross.
  • TheDayInLoveTheDayInLove
    Vindictus Rep: 3,975
    Posts: 290
    edited October 26, 2016
    Pantheum's arena fire burning away my Evie's Mana Shield and Delia's Vigor buff.
  • TawxxTawxx
    Vindictus Rep: 770
    Posts: 8
    Holding 'r' to Shield Dash, and ending up with a kick...
  • LoreLesLoreLes
    Vindictus Rep: 900
    Posts: 9
    Step damage from bosses, especially when you're playing Delia.

    People landing black chains on Lavasat and don't let go.
  • dazedgumballdazedgumball
    Vindictus Rep: 7,725
    Posts: 605
    Troll spearing Arishas when they're doing Resonance.

    You don't know how much this bothers me.
  • SaintGuinnessSaintGuinness
    Vindictus Rep: 1,730
    Posts: 114
    Laosduude said:

    #Brynn and his bugged ass quest annoys me the most when I log in
    YAAAS! It does annoy me. Also, and I don't know why but, I really hate people who throw spears for no reason.
  • NitrozemNitrozem
    Vindictus Rep: 440
    Posts: 3
    Freezing during the potion drink animation :(
  • SaintGuinnessSaintGuinness
    Vindictus Rep: 1,730
    Posts: 114
    @Nitrozem Yup! but I can't remember the last time that has happened. I try to avoid the whole using potions thing by not being touched ;-)
  • RhyunaRhyuna
    Vindictus Rep: 770
    Posts: 6
    Some of these have been mentioned before, but these are mine:

    - No hot springs in Malina (and no crafting tables for that matter, if that even makes a difference anymore)
    - Impatient people on boats when people haven't even loaded in yet: "go" "rdy up" "you don't need a soap, I'll carry everyone" etc.
    - Impatient people in general
    - Ignoring game mechanics for DPS
    - Ignoring fallen party members for DPS (do people still really care about DPS that much?)
    - Merc pot spamming before a boat launches
    - Kraken raids, for reasons
    - People that go AFK in raids for no other reason other than to be carried, such as in royal raids

    I'm sure there's more, but my time is limited atm :P
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