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Some Feedback/comparison on Battle voices.
I know there are a lot of folks unhappy with the new voices. I have been trying to give them the benefit of time, but unfortunately Lann's combat sounds have gotten me to the point where I have to mute the game.
I decided to dig and see if I could hash out why it annoys me so much.
While digging I found an old vid of my Lann just doing windmill:
Then I decided to make one with the new voice (same weapon, so close to same speed at least.)
I have decided the biggest thing that annoys me for lann is the large change of pitch. It especially becomes apparent with the overlapping of the sounds.
The last that is hard to show, but I believe the new lann battle voice is louder compared to the crit, or weapon hitting something sounds. (I have no way to figure out if I have volume settings the same/am capturing sounds at the same lvl, etc.)
Anyways I just wanted to share the 2 vids showing the difference. I see there is already a thread in suggestion/feedback, but honestly I hardly ever go down that far in this forum.

but no where near enough on combat sounds (smash and dodge).
It doesn't help that it is the combat sounds that you will be hearing far more often.
You like it, fine. But don't put words in those other, hundreds (and probably way more) of people who stated their opinion of disliking these new voices. Most of us did bring up very valid points as to why we don't like them too.
I think the having an option to change the voice is fine. But for me if it's a creativity decision then I can respect that while others may not. So I have no problem with that *thumbs up*.
I'm sure other peoples points were valid and logical, and as the other sides points too. That's how it usually is in debates, it's just that both sides don't really respect or listen to the other sides and just make assumption. As for "putting words in others mouths" I'm a bit wary of that, because while you might be right, I've also seen people do mental mind loops to try to lie to themselves and try to justify things. But I'm fine with just saying "okay you're right" but my response then would be, most likely the people who picked the voices, put hard work into finding what they thought was the "perfect voice" for the character out of a long line of people, and the VA's probably put a lot of hard work into making what they thought were the "perfect voices" for us. So given the hard work they probably put into it, wouldn't it be reasonable to show that a little respect and give it a try just because, and just in case I'm right and it's more of people just not liking change? After all, wouldn't immediate disgust amount to "judging a book by its cover" And I'm wondering if these voices are the ones we started with from 2010, would people really be complaining, or would they end up loving them as much as they loved the old voices or the old Korean voices? I'm sure it hurts when people reject your hard work without even giving it the proper chance it deserves.
And as for the market response... idk... that sounds to me like it MIGHT be one of those fishing for evidence to fit your world view instead of trying to find out the truth from a whole world perspective. Because for me, people stick to their favorite drinks because they know it's something they'll enjoy, people seem to like dubs or subs based on which they see first, I know for me that's true and I get to know as the voices that I hear first as the "official voices that fit best with the character" unless it's a really really really really really really bad voice, which I don't think I've come across yet. etc. etc. There's plenty of times and reasons where people don't like change as well, and ignoring those things.... idk it doesn't seem like we should be doing that.
Yep, I think we should show people that we can be a great community and give hard work its due and not just complain right away but be at least a little more understanding and reasonable.
The world doesn't work like that. Effort alone won't bring food to your table. Regardless of the effort you put into something, if it ends up bad, people won't like it.
You can work 20 years on a game and end up with a bad game regardless. The time and effort spent on it doesn't matter, only the end product does. And the end product here clearly hasn't been tested properly.
I give my likes/dislikes if it is warranted based on the end product, because that is what I am interested in, that is what I "consume" daily.
Judging by your answer in that other topic (about which characters you play), you never played high speed lann, nor high speed eira. I dare you to try those, above 80 speed, with slashing high/paw (but even without those, it's just terrible). If you are still convinced that there is nothing wrong with these voices, than I don't know what to say... You clearly hear things differently than me in that case, I see no other possible explanation for it.
Hearing very high volume screeching yelling over and over endlessly majorly impacts gameplay, and in a very bad way. And these yellings keep overlapping with each other which ends up in even louder voices. It's not tolerable, and I don't exaggerate here, it is really hurtful to the ears.
I can't say whether new evie or belle voice is acceptable or not, because I haven't played them since the update, and even if I would have, my stats are below average on them, so I won't comment on those, because I know that I lack the necessary experience to form an opinion about them. Speed and combat voices are very related in these kind of games, and they should have tested them both with low and with very high speed to make sure they sound alright in all cases..
There's many things that may affect what we hear and what we both hear may actually be different, based on our speakers, speed of our characters etc. However, like was trying to state, the voice actors, whoever hired them all probably take pride in their work and seemed excited to be a part of the community especially since maybe one or two of them, this may be their start as voice actors, while others have lots of experience it seems. So shouldn't we act like a good community and actually give their effort a fair chance and not fall into the trap of just immediately hating something based on impulse? Given who I am I'm sure I'd still like the high speed Lann voice, but that's most likely because it'd be my first high speed Lann voice if I ever got him to whatever "high speed" is. and I still have the hunch that it's like that for many people. We like what was first, what was original, and that's what we put the voice to the face. However that doesn't mean other voices can't match the face too.
Idk if I responded correctly but what you've said back there didn't really address what I thought but this is my response as how I see what you said. I'll think about it more though
I'll tell you all what, I'll go through all my characters that I already made and spend more time playing them and listening to their voices now and what I remember, and if I don't say that I hated them on here then that means I liked them. But so far from what I've heard in the conversations and in the mercenary lounge I do like them so far. And I do like it when one of the voice actors who played one of my favorite Anime characters also play one of my favorite video game characters. So chances are if there's ever the elusive Vindi merchandise and figures I'd have them sign it if I met them etc etc. But I do think that the current video game communities might've changed a bit to being haters sooooo... that kind of worries me it's not just what I see here sometimes..... yep sometimes. It would be nice to see more love and not taking sides...ness. And more giving things a chance etc etc.
I haven't been paying much attention to this voice thing. But the criticism I seen was very negative
Besides that - I don't get your point. It's perfectly realistic to include multiple options for voice clips long as Nexon knows C++
For example.Would you call Anthem a master piece and try to change opinions? No. You acknowledge the majority isn't happy and try again.
So far I see people mostly against the new voices. Seems to me Nexon should code in a second option simply revert it. There's really no way around that.
For example, the worst one I've heard is Eira's Dodge voice. You can go ahead and hear what it's like.
I won't bring my anger in and say how I dislike wimpy people with a forgiving attitude without standards, so I'll say this. Nexon can take our criticism and do their job better in voice direction and rehire these actors. We're just not sure if they'll listen or have the budget and understanding.
I'll tell you what though, I'm not sure you actually want to debate this with me or understand my point of view. But if you do just let me know and we can talk about it anywhere and then I'll try to get through the impasse
To be clear, also, I'm not complaining because it's different from the original. I just know there's better solutions or replacements.
Once again, I PLAY the game. The experience of the players come first, and no one will change my mind. All I want to do is inform these people that they can do their job better.