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If someone carves into a sapling with a knife, the injury is as wide as the entire trunk, though that mark will never fully heal, you can grow the tree around it, and as you grow the scar gets smaller in proportion.


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Jesus does the dishes
  • Da fuq?! Eira = Miul?

    Not like your character ign is going to be named Eira anyways lul. I agree they probably changed her name for pronunciation reasons.
  • Anyone else having a hard time in Balor?

    If Balor had the new player free revives like Neam did for your first 5 runs that would help out new players coming into Balor. Not trying to be mean, but if you're starting a Balor where half the party is inexperienced everyone is going to have a rough run. Try splitting off and learn the basics before grouping up together with your friends/guild. Like everything in life, things don't come easy at first and it takes time as well as practice. Don't give up +fight
  • Share your enhance and reforge experience

    Everything except enhance runes. Unless reforging lets you use unstable enhance runes, then that's news to me. The reforging system itself is a great idea and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. My only problem is the new enhance rates from RISE which makes enhancing past +12 for weapons extremely frustrating.
  • Cleared Hell Neamhain (Video Included)

    @187 You know regardless of the point you're trying to make, that's kind of rude putting somebody else on blast in the forums even if they did post that image themselves (I'm assuming you took this from discord yourself). Who are you to judge how people spend their own money?
    187 wrote: »
    Here's a perfect example of a player trying to flex on their NX balance on a server. With that amount of $ wasted on a dead game, I could have built a i9 9900k with a GTX 2080 Ti. I don't know if its their photo but it could've been someone else.

    Think about this statement one more time. Nobody cares how you could have spent THEIR money. You're not the one earning it in the first place. Nobody even plays Vindictus anymore? Then this shouldn't be an issue, but seeing you on the forums is telling me otherwise and if that's the case these players spending money are keeping the game up for you to play. I don't even mind the complaining about the pay wall separating the stat gap because it's true, but this is pretty damn scummy of you to target somebody who isn't even in this discussion to defend themselves.
  • i would like to ask for advice about item and more

    1) Whatever you prefer, but most people use Greater Succubus Fang
    2) Yes, the normal and greater succubus fang both got nerfed so that they heal only up to a certain amount I forget how much. The greater max hp is higher than the normal and has slightly less cooldown time.
    3) Read the update notes on the main page
    4) Counter force is a new stat from enhancing accessories so you can do damage in the new raids
    5) No