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If someone carves into a sapling with a knife, the injury is as wide as the entire trunk, though that mark will never fully heal, you can grow the tree around it, and as you grow the scar gets smaller in proportion.


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Jesus does the dishes
  • No double xp? It's after maintenance..

    Should have just called it x2 AP lul. Combat EXP is barely noticeable.
  • Arisha's spellword or spellwhip?

    Spellsword is just as capable for solo.
  • Golden Time Coupon Shop is bad

    @Innoy works on armors too in case you got that extra account :> of course you need to be within 10 levels of the gear you are enhancing.
  • Vindictus 2018 Impressions Review

    ByteStix wrote: »
    It wasn't my first impression, it was my wives. As for the title - I labeled it "Vindictus 2018 Impressions" as it was not my first impression, whereas I traditionally label first impressions as such.

    Also, I don't want them taken seriously. Not sure why anyone would take an impressions video seriously, honestly, and not sure why you believe they should.

    If MMOTuber's took 2 months per video, they'd have no following, sorry. That's just not how these things work.

    Probably something you should mention, if these are your wife’s impressions why doesn’t she do the video or rather not at all because you presenting we assume these are your opinions. If you didn’t want us to take this seriously I have no idea you are coming to us for our feedback. Also it does not take 2 months to somewhat fully experience vindi, you’re over exaggerating. More like 2-3 days
  • Vindictus 2018 Impressions Review

    Full armor sets like Regina (F) imo are so underrated. The customization in this game without spending any real money is decent and complex enough that you won't look exactly like the next person playing your character. Like any other game, all the "good" content is closer to end game.

    In regards to OP

    Can't agree more that showcasing the first bit of leveling would turn any new player away from this game. The only reason I started was because I saw how cool it was soloing end game bosses in flashy gear/weapon. I didn't play because I saw a youtuber beat the first dungeon battle and I certainly did not judge this game based on the first 20 levels. I get that it's only a first impression, but you should not be basing your expectations on such outdated content. This is especially true for PvE centered games. At least unlock more if not all of your character's skills and you might find that the combat in Vindictus is unlike any other game and enjoyable in many ways. If you do plan on making a full review, then please at least make it past S1. You would have to invest maybe several more days if you want to reach S3 as that is somewhat true end game content. I don't see anything resembling a review that you mentioned, but if you do end up making one I hope that you take some of our input into consideration.