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  • Another vindi server bites the dust

    having trouble moving on?
  • No double xp? It's after maintenance..

    if the exp event was actually only intended to be combat exp, that just raises other problems
    are they so disconnected from their own game and playerbase that they don't realize how puny a bonus combat exp is or that nobody cares about combat exp? the mod that replied in the thread last time didnt even bother to explain this, only that "it's working properly".

    i get it's a free event bonus but why word it in a way that would make 99% of the playerbase think it's 20x better than it actually is? not to mention past events with same description set a precedent for complete battle exp bonus. just raises people's expectations only to be disappointed
  • New Raid/Level 100 and more.

    I want to ask if anyone knows, how do you obtain the new materials required to make the level 100 weapons and armor, the new ''chunks''?

    Maybe I missed it in the video, since I haven't watched it all.

    drops from the raids. only rares exist, no superior
    Argaziel wrote: »
    LoLoBooty wrote: »
    Argaziel wrote: »
    Argaziel wrote: »
    Somebody knows if we can restore and enhacement a weapon that it has been revived before new patch?

    Yes. DevCAT stated any revived weapons prior to the update can be unlocked. I also tested this on test as well.

    Ok thank you. And Do you get 3 remaining unbind when you restore a weapon or a armor?

    Items are restored back to the exact state you left them in. So if the item had 2 unbinds when it boomed then it will have 2 unbinds when restored.

    ok, one last question. When you restore a weapon or armor, do you get old stat or you get stat of the required ítems to restore?

    old stat. also, the new system just applies on a restored item to make it able to be enhanced again (and able to restore again if it fails). they are still untradable
    enhance fail -> restore -> use new system to allow enhance -> enhance -> fail -> restore -> keep going until you hit +15
  • So where are the patch notes?

    Cloakshire wrote: »
    SAX wrote: »
    Abaddan wrote: »

    i guess we should add ''able to read korean'' to the minimun specs to play this game

    Or use a browser that can translate pages. Sure it's not gonna be 100% accurate, but it's not too hard interpreting some niche words based on context clues.

    useless considering they mix feature/misc updates and bug fixes from multiple updates in KR. in this update alone, i see parts taken from updates ranging at least 3 months in korea (10 patches). you would have no way of knowing what features and fixes made it and what's still to come, unless you already saw in game which changes have been implemented.

    regarding the looting changes - no, you will not get items unless you complete the run. this includes things like gold, ergs, mining, and gathering. you can see your temporary items if you click on the little bag at the top of the equipment window. it was part of the balor patch in KR.
  • Fiona Hold "R" Auto Sprint Shield Dash

    same.. ruins the run you're on and then you have to restart