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  • Some Feedback/comparison on Battle voices.

    I started muting my game when I play now. Voice performance aside, the audio issues with overlapping sounds and bad mixing is pretty noticeable.
  • Cromm sucks hard - why is this a Special raid?!

    Can we double the length of the oxidation phase please, it has my favourite track from the entire game kthxbye.
  • LANN worst class atm ??

    Spear Lann hasn't been the hardest class since 2015 with his revamp. His difficulty stemmed from the low inv frames on his roll and the long recovery frames on glides which since then has been buffed over and beyond. Sword Lann was never really difficult compared to the rest of the cast. He just had a significant portion of his damage potential locked behind crit.
  • So...How about some blatant honesty?

    FlameSama1 wrote: »
    I really struggle to think what the powercreep of reforging adds that positive to gameplay for the average player. If this was back five years ago, where 15s were supposedly like 30 per server (a number I heard once upon a time), the distribution of average damage is pretty evenly spread, with a few super-super-dedicated people having high power. Otherwise you could run a raid with no-name randoms and expect the same result pretty much.

    Your issue here is with the changes to Rise, not the implementation of reforging which was introduced to address the disparity between the biggest whales and those with shallower pockets and non-spenders. Before reforging was a thing, there was literally 2-3 people on the entire NA server with the offensive stats comparable to someone like VG. After reforging was introduced, that ceiling have essentially remained the same yet getting closer to them became achievable for a significant portion of the entire server.

    Going to your example of 5 years ago and comparing it to now, instead of 30 uber whales having +15s, now a significant portion of the server have access to it. That is literally the opposite of catering to whales where a select few mega spenders are significantly stronger than majority of the server.

    FlameSama1 wrote: »
    Compare that to today where there are names and there's everyone else. Where you're seriously obliged to sit and wait, ignoring people you don't recognize hosting in QB because there's a chance VellaGoddess or Hesvyr or someone is hosting the same raid, meaning you'll clear it in like a third of the time the PUG run would take. I can host boats just fine, but I quit trying because I can't hook whales into my raid and a Macha that would take VG or whoever 10/12 minutes to clear would take my party 30 minutes to clear.

    A maxed out character of 6k ad, 3350 atk limit, max crit has roughly 2.5x the offensive capability of character of modest stats with 3500 ad, 35k atk, no attack limit and crit in the 160 ranges in the newest raids.

    A maxed out character can literally run through the newest raids by themselves within 15 minutes so a party of 4 taking 30 minutes to clear the same raid is either playing their characters extremely inefficiently or didn't conduct sufficient research into game mechanics and build up their character foundations before attempting what is literally endgame content. That is like me back in my s2 days jumping into Lakoria or Kraken with my lvl 60 weapon and 11k attack on a character I just hit level 80 on.

    In any MMO, it is pretty much expected that the player conduct some research and build up their character to a certain extent before jumping into the newest and hardest content.

    FlameSama1 wrote: »
    If additional damage, counterforce, and attack cap removal all disappeared tomorrow, you wouldn't have that.

    Well yea, if they took it out tomorrow, pretty sure no one on the server will have that.

    FlameSama1 wrote: »
    They designed these raids around people having whale stats and then, to add insult to injury, recycle the same attack animations and even the same BOSSES from old raids, more often than not. It's downright insulting.

    If they designed these raids around people with maxed out whale stats, a party of 4 maxed out characters shouldn't be blitzing through them in 3-4 minutes. There would also be a much bigger incentive to go full Astera rather than sticking with Dullahan which is significantly cheaper to reforge and enhance.

    If newer raids coming out had similar stats to Hell Mode redeemers and became the most profitable runs to do, I would have agreed with you, but that is obviously not the case and hopefully never happens.

    The raids are designed to be cleared in a reasonable amount of time with a competent party of 3000-3500 ad while the progressive increase of counterforce requirement with each raid release streamlines players to increase it with each new raid release. My biggest gripe here is with counterforce which essentially locks a character's potential behind a grind wall but its not like the enhancement materials are rares arent easily farmable.

    Yea the game has some issues such as enchanting, the abysmal drop rates of certain mats in newer raids, CF, and the whole ad situation that came about from rise, but reforging is nowhere near as bad as you are making it to be.
  • So...How about some blatant honesty?

    Progression in this game has never been easier. Before reforging was introduced, how many people actually had 6k ad? It was even rare even among the biggest whales as everyone was subject to shitty rng. The issue is that yall look at 6k ad like its a standard to be achieved without much of a time investment or planning when it is literally the endgame. You don't need capped stats and a crapton of ad to play the game, it is however something to work towards and now you are given the means to achieve it. When rise hit and the top characters had ad in the mid 3000s, they were still steamrolling through content so I'm not sure what the issue is about not doing enough damage. If your priority is to compete in damage contribution with the most geared people in a pve game, work towards it or get new priorities.
