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Zuletzt aktiv
February 28, 1982
Personal Quote
All of the best quotes are taken. So I will simply say, "Rhubarb, duck, shopping cart."
About Me
I am actually a highly advanced chatbot.
  • Good Job Vindictus Team!

    Just wanted to give credit when its due, since I was complaining about it lol.


    Good start to the year +best.

    That's good to see. Good to see a problem owned up to. +best.
  • New Character - Miul

    Stylish vid showing off Miul game play.
  • [Sales] Black Friday Sales!

    No special versions. Seriously guys? Sorry but no sale for me then.
  • cash&time > loyalty

    I have exactly 80 CF, and I spent a FORTUNE getting it. For me anyhow. 90 million gold, my dudes. I mean I only had 117 to start with. Did you know a ring can fail to enhance 10 times in a row before it's success is guaranteed? I found that out recently friends, at about 1 million gold a pull. Failstacking is nice, but it's still a slot machine. So anyways, hot tip, you can drink the Kitty's Encouragement Potion to gain 30 Counter Force. My brother tells me this after I've spent a fortune. But the more's the merrier it turns out, because at 80 CF I am doing 10k-13k on average per amaranth kick to Claire, while at 110 I am doing 17-23k.

    So to answer a question asked earlier in the thread, your CF does seem to effect how much damage you do.

    BUT if you just want to get on the boat the kitty's encouragement potion is a godsend.

    Also rings seem to add more CF per enhance level than anything else. Even though THEY ALL COST THE SAME THING TO ENHANCE. So if you have your pick between enhancing a ring or your belt, go with your ring.
  • i would like to ask for advice about item and more

    I was away when they did the KOF event, and I am a huuuuge KOF fan. You have no idea how much it saddens me that I missed that event. I also don't understand why there was no Terry Bogard outfitter... Anyhow, considering that it was a cross promotion with SNK, it seems like bringing it back would be a bit more complicated than other outfitters. (I hear it was gachas though, which sucks) I wouldn't count on a resale, nice as that might be.