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  • Re: 4-man ex-raids

    Mintchi wrote: »
    I don't think the 4 player system is a positive change. There are some runs that scale stats based on the amount of players, and the challenge makes it fun. East is already pretty empty, but if we can fill 4 spots, there will be less need for more players. 8 player raids means more diversity, more team work and coordination, more challenge in some cases, more social opportunity, and QB's allow more rewards.

    Teamwork and coordination died the day s2 came out and people no longer needed to use boss mechanics like titan's balli, droping lionotus off the cliff, colru walls,etc

    On s3 raids force you to use mechanics but they dont feel as rewarding as those times since all people now have a hold skill, the most we had in that time was evie RG and fiona sp skill:shield bash high stun rate, heck i even remember when people used the F's macros to communicate so they could balli titan properly, oh ye olde fun times when everyone raged because the party got wiped and almost no one had GG nor GF and the most fun of all on my humbly opinions was trying to drop a boulder on irukul and then fall to your death because the camera and controls become clunky as hell in that part of the map haha

  • To all the always complaining people

    Mainichi wrote: »
    Common consensus (yes, including Korea) is that everything is good except for the +20, the AD changes, the raid changes, the 5 dungeon limit, the P2W rankings, the runes geared toward other regions like us, DOL, and the direction of this game.

    We already had dungeon limit and they removed it and im ok with the rest of the changes, we need some fresh air here on vindy, also i found amusing how i see more people on the forums complaining than actually playing haha
  • To all the always complaining people

    Bowtacojr wrote: »
    I love seeing new people come here and preach to us about the value of blind loyalty.

    @SAX Just make sure you spend lots of money on this game, like a good little narwhal, so that I can keep playing and complaining for free. :^)

    is 30 bucks in like 7 years(dont remember when the beta was) a lot of money?
    Question2 wrote: »

    Unfortunately, you still need OP gear for s3 raids to be fodder. So if you are in a guild full of +15s, okay, no problem, if you are a random guy with a +10 and cannot consistently find OP carries, good luck. Also still does not solve the problem where players who have already claimed the level 90 character reward cannot get the +10 gear (which will be necessary to be relevant after RISE).

    1.-How come this is a thing?, When with a +10 90 weap is more than enough to solo all the stuff(unless you know ''git gud'') and ofc you will take more time than with a full +20 party but its not about being faster but capable your argument
    I didn't know complaining means whining because complaining to a company should be a gift not annoyance because complainers care about its future even if you don't. If there haven't been complainers from the beginning this game would be much worse than it is now.

    Would you accept even if they made 99% good changes but they deleted all of your characters along?

    It's just my simple opinion.

    1.- You are right as long as those complains are constructive and not ''waaahh they dont do what i want waaah i will un-install''(then keeps playing cuz game still good)

    2.-Yes i would gladly accept that my chars are deleted if they where to make vindi from scratch with one of the next gen engines, just imagine vindi and open world and the main reason i would accept my chars deleted is because all games die(because there is not technology to move a game from one engine lets say unreal to another lets say fox engine), eventually this will happen and there is nothing you can do about it
  • To all the always complaining people

    Question2 wrote: »
    -Lame gimmicks to sell more runes (removal of double booming, +10 armor is a necessity now, etc)

    Last time i checked i had more than 60 normal runes from events since time immemorial and that with me using tons of them from time to time and now they gave me free +1 coupons along those runes and 100% enchants, i dont know about you but i dont see those gimmicks lame nor see how making you waste less runes is making you buy more
  • To all the always complaining people

    Guys i know most of you cant be happy without complaining but face reality, all of rise updates are good(yeah even the +20), here is a list of my thoughts:

    -Better optimization:check
    -Removing a mechanic(reflect damage) that ''rewards'' you for being hit(AKA being bad):check
    -FREE!! 1 page of perm shared storage(probably per character):Check!
    -Being max level and be able to do more damage to a woodman than what you do to neamhain:Check
    -More drops for carrying people(even when solo):check
    -Being able to be on trans mode all the way through a S3 mission(or ortel if you like):Check
    -Being able to enhance past +15 so i can go fast:Check
    -Etc, Etc, Etc:Check

    I could go on but would be too much of a text wall.Also to all those people not liking the +20, guys that is just more OPTIONAL ENDGAME stuff to do if you don't like it don't do it its not like you cant solo all S3 raids with a +10 weapon which would be easier to make.
    The only really stuff i don't like about this update is not and update per see since is content removal which is the removal of gauntlet and laby, i would highly prefer they increased the rewards instead of removing them but since is stuff people is not doing anyway i guess it doesn't matter