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  • Gold Medal: Neamhain (Sea of Reflection)

    NA East. Longsword Fiona. "Gold Medal" (No Hit, No Artifact) Run of Sea of Reflection. Completed on 9/17/2017. Character stats are shown at the end of the video.

    A: "Nice solo. you should do a no hit run XD"
    B: "I'm not big enough of a masochist to try that"

  • Neamhain Solo 46:18 2300 Att Lmt & 53:53 0 Att Lmt

    Recorded a few Neamhain videos before the RISE update, while they still somewhat matter. First video is a 46 min 18 sec run with 2300 attack limit, and second is a 53 min 53 sec run with 0 attack limit. Normal (not Greater) Mysterious Cat Statue was used as there appeared to be some bizarre misconceptions about the greater artifacts. Character stats are shown at the end of each video.

    46 min 18 sec run with 2300 attack limit, capped Bal/Crit, and 93 ASPD. Completed on 6/19/2017:

    53 min 53 sec run with 0 attack limit (by reducing ATT to 26,989), 89 Bal, capped Crit, and 90 ASPD. It's a sloppy run but turned out to be the fastest simply due to Neit RNG. It's 20 sec faster than a much cleaner, 2-potion run that triggered the final phase 30 seconds faster. Completed on 6/17/2017:

  • Upcoming Proposed Changes to AP Restoration System

    It is good that the director of development has called off the -1 penalty for revived weapons after a massive outcry in KR. However, even more alarming than his proposal to the equipment revival system is his supposed reasoning for making it. His reasoning for the equipment revival change is to reduce the cases in which people quit the game due to not having enough AP to revive their destroyed equipment or having their equipment vanished from failing an enhancement on their revived equipment (double-boom). Translation of the 2 paragraphs following the list of 3 changes to the equipment revival system in the developer’s notes is as follows:

    “These changes will be applied to all equipment at the time of the update. Existing revived equipment can no longer be enhanced further. After the update, equipment that are [henceforth] revived will be reduced in enhancement level by -1 and the AP required to revive them will be reduced.

    Through these changes, it will be much easier to revive destroyed equipment despite losing an enhancement level on them. The scenario in which players can no longer play the game due to losing their equipment or not having enough AP to revive destroyed equipment should be eliminated. The substantial amount of AP required to revive destroyed equipment in the current revival system prevents it from providing help to the players.”

    The director of development obviously has not gone through a proper character and gear progression that a normal player goes through as it is not the revival AP requirement that makes people quit the game. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has not leveled a character beyond 60. The director probably did plan on adding a rune to the supply depot that would protect against the -1 penalty to boost sales but I also believe that he actually thought that the changes that he is proposing will help the game. There are 98 more changes that he will make that will likely transform the game. Based on his first 2 changes, there is a good chance that the changes will be way off the mark in solving the issues that this game is plagued with; they could very well worsen the issues. If he doesn’t understand the game that he is supposed to be overseeing, he needs to ask those that do – the playerbase. We’re in for many rounds of disappointments if the changes that are planned are not shared with the community with proper feedback before they go live.

    It is obvious to me what changes need to be made to the game: make enhancing/enchanting easier so that new players have an easier time catching up to the veterans; add scaling difficulty with scaling rewards so that players regardless of gear level will have something meaningful and practical to work towards, providing incentives to play better and obtain better gear; and add complexity to character progression since character progression is the only long-term “content” that this game has and so that progression doesn’t revolve around the enhancement/enchant system.
  • Neamhain Solo Clear NA 550 Attack Limit Release

    NA East. Longsword Fiona. Completed on 3-2-17 with 550 Attack Limit Release, capped Bal/Crit/ATT, and 91 ASP. It took many hours of practice but I'm pleased with the experience and results overall. Mysterious Cat Statue was used in place of Succubus Fang to buy myself the extra 3-4 minutes needed to complete the raid within the time limit. I was originally going to wait for the +500 Attack Limit Release event epaulet for a serious attempt but this practice run with Mysterious Cat Statue turned out to be a clear. Character stats are shown at the end of the video. I'll probably post one more video with upgraded stats in the near future.

    TheDayInLoveYuria100ZaytiatusOkatsuMonohaQuinqueKING3RDelterosFuzetsuMrGoldund 10 andere.
  • Neamhain Solo NA 46:18 2300 Attack Limit

    Longsword Fiona. NA East Server. This post was originally for a Neamhain "clear" past the time limit. This post had been edited to reflect solo clear progression. All videos are before the RISE update. Gear played a big part in clear time progression but equally important is finding better ways to make every attack openings and smashes count. Character stats are shown at the end of video.

    46 min 18 sec run with 2300 attack limit, capped Bal/Crit, and 93 ASPD. Normal Mysterious Cat Statue was used. The Full Force skill is not enabled. Completed on 6/19/2017:

    53 min 53 sec run with 0 attack limit (by reducing ATT to 26,989), 89 Bal, capped Crit, and 90 ASPD. Normal Mysterious Cat Statue was used. The Full Force skill is not enabled. Completed on 6/17/2017:

    51 min 31 sec solo clear with 1600 attack limit release, capped ATT/Bal/Crit and 92 ASP, completed on 4-1-17.

    Video of the solo clear with 550 attack limit release on 3-2-17:

    Video of the 1hr and 8 min "clear" with 0 attack limit release on 2-17-17:
