KuraiHotaru wrote: »you keep saying at launch, at launch, at launch. Anyone with a decent brain knows that of course when you are new to a game and its bosses, it's definitely hard.
It has nothing to do with that. Your argument even falls flat in Rise Vindi since anyone new to this game won't find it hard at all, and even then - AT LAUNCH - players were actually given quests and objectives that taught them advanced game mechanics, unlike now, and even then it was hard because, again, the AI was harder. It has nothing to do with how long someone has been playing the game; at launch, it was 10x more difficult for new and experienced players than it was pre-Rise, and now post-Rise it's a cakefest. NO ONE played PvP back then because PvP was TOO EASY compared to PvE since PvE AIs were smarter than nearly all players in PvP; that AI is part of the reason why Vindi was littered with players, and every nerf to the game led to more and more quits so players could get their difficulty fix in other games, like Dark Souls (which this game was far, far harder than AT LAUNCH).
I don't know, this might seem like a lost case for you, but try playing like an AI maybe then you'll win in PvPNO ONE played PvP back then because PvP was TOO EASY compared to PvE since PvE AIs were smarter than nearly all players in PvP
Stop putting words in my mouth. I win at PvP plenty of times in different types of games - hack and slash, fighting, FPS, and even skill spam. It's just not fun because everything becomes meta. In games where mob AIs are terrible, which are the majority of games, PvP is more "fun" because it literally has the only amount of tactical combat in the game; but in pre-Rise Vindi, while there ARE mob patterns that can be memorized, mob AIs still randomize the order in which they use those patterns and bosses even have a complex aggro-switching system, to the point that meta PvP requires less intelligence than PvE does.
As for getting used to mob patterns, you can get just as used to player patterns as - once again - the meta creates uniformity. Just as a player will master a boss after facing them enough, so will players master PvP if they face all of the classes enough.