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  • 6 or more months away to return to...

    Hey there, I'm a returning player from a few years ago, thought I'd throw in my two cents.

    If you returned during the event, you should have gotten a support package in the mail with all the +12 gear. If you rejoined before the event started, you were boned.

    However, there's also a SECOND set, and frankly I'm not sure if I received it because I was a returning vet or some other reason, but when I was checking the Character Growth tab under Events, I had not collected my care packages for leveling up since basically ever. As I was going through them, I reached the level 90 one, and found a care package with said +12 gear inside. It just says it's a "commemorative reward box for reaching level 90", and mentions nothing about being a returning merc.


    As might be able to see, I am ALREADY WEARING the returning merc gear, which I got from my mailbox on logging in. This is a SECOND box now sitting in my inventory from the character growth package.

    No, I don't know the details; I've been gone years, so I have no idea how any of this works. It -seems- like it is being awarded as a level-up reward with no ties to any events, but that's only my guess.

    Edit: link went weird. Better now. I hope none of you saw that.
  • A Nostalgia Thread

    Hey all, former merc here who dropped by when I saw the returning mercenary event. I thought I'd stop in for a hot minute, see what's changed, maybe see if the ol' guild didn't die while I was away - spoilers, it did.

    Now, I'll admit, I had originally come to gripe like the old fart that I am (when did Clash get a 20 minute cooldown!?), but when I saw the overwhelming list of updates, I had a change of heart; instead, I just want to take a seat and look back at the various memories I've got of Vindictus, and how different our gripes used to be.

    Now, some memories...

    -Titan was our very first level 60 raid boss. Two people would be designated to the Ballistas on either side of the room - you had to load, aim, and fire ballistas nearly simultaneously, and if you succeeded you could pin him down and give the rest of the party a chance to do damage. We often left the job to Evies, who could make a Golem out of spears and move them closer to the ballistae. People had less health back then (almost nobody had over 5k), and Titan could 2-to-3 shot most players, so this was pretty necessary!

    -The release of Karok was utter madness. A new friggin' character. He didn't have two weapons like the rest, true, but we were promised they'd come later. He was a total beast, and rivaled the unstoppable Fiona's survivability, even though we quickly found he didn't do all that much damage. Also, he was the only other male character in the game aside Lann, so there's that.

    -12k attack boats. Even before Explosive Enchant scrolls existed, we would endlessly debate how ridiculous it was that people had arbitrarily decided 12k was required for a raid, even though classes like Lann should be focusing on crit, and Hammer Fionas naturally got an extra 1k over almost everyone else. We would endlessly argue whether 12k was a ridiculous and short-sighted requirement, or whether people had a right to label their own boats however they wanted.

    -Spear Lanns were the top damage dealer. This was not debateable. Whether they could actually live long enough to deal that damage was another matter entirely, and when Irukul was still hot, people would sometimes post "NO LANN" on their boats. Also, you HAD to have a Fiona to do Irukul because of the hallway segment, as she was the only one who could hold Irukul back until Karok showed up.

    -Swift-Hammer set. All three physical damage classes were encouraged to have at least two pieces of the Swift set for the huge bonus, and either Black Hammer for the other three, or the recently released Raider's set to max out their stats. You were also encouraged to try and get Zeal on your boots for the stamina regen.

    -Speaking of sets, you were encouraged to gather every armor set you could get your hands on to finish all the armor stories, which granted actual stats. If you knew friends who had each set, you were in luck. Almost no one had the Chiulin set; that crap needed Bloody Thorns which were a rare drop from the Sewers. Also, some sets mixed both heavy armor and plate, or heavy armor and light armor, so you sometimes had to farm multiple armor proficiencies to wear a single set!

    -Predating Season 1 raids, we had Tokens. You could only run a certain amount of runs every day unless you purchased Crimson/Platinum tokens for extra runs. Whenever a free token day happened, everyone would spam Hidden for easy EXP.

    -There was this one place in Thor where, if everyone stood still, he would do nothing but spam his electrocution move that zapped all the water in the room. This was one of the only attacks where you stood a good chance of hitting his breakoff point with a spear, his tongue, without needing chain hooks to force his mouth open. This was pretty important since the breakoff was really expensive, and a necessary material for the strongest weapons in the game: Dreamwalker.

    -Glas was freakin' broken, or at least everyone thought. The first couple days of his release, we would constantly use dozens of valuable party rezzes, and the price of Party Feathers was a whopping 100k - five times what it normally was! Not only that, but his air strike had a strange property that could sometimes deal WAY too much damage; for a long time, people thought he was "critting" , but what was in fact happening was that he was multi-hitting you. Also, getting grabbed and praying that someone had a Goddess' spear to save you, or hoping that you got the normal grab and not the red grab OHK.

    -Transformation basically turned everyone into gods overnight. You had massive damage, flinch immune, extra health, and absolutely unlimited stamina. People were endlessly debating which was better. Some went after Dark Knight for the extra attack, while some like Spear Lanns decided they had enough damage anyways and went for the defense so they could spin-2-win endlessly. The price: it cost AP every time you went into it, and it only reset at the top of the hour.

    -Everyone was WAY weaker. Lann's immunity time was only .3 seconds on Slip Dash, and non-existent on Spears - good Lanns would sometimes use the running poke attack to duck under boss swings. Sword Fiona's damage was crap, and there was basically no reason to play it instead of Hammer. Scythe Evie's Blink cost upwards of 40 stamina of her normal 130 or so, and had no Battle Respiration to help, never mind Staffies who only had the bunny hop (but at least it was free!). Also, nobody had higher than 5k health; a level 60 Lann fighting Thor could be killed in 2 or 3 hits, depending whether they had at least 6k defense.

    -We endlessly debated whether Meditation was a worthwhile skill, since it passively generated AP but rank A took over a year to pay for itself. Nevertheless, because of passive AP generation, everyone had one of every character, just in case they wanted to play them one day.

    -Gnoll Chieftain could kill a level 30 player. I think my jaw about dropped when I saw our group's high level player get KO'd. We finally beat him by collecting rocks, throwing them at him to stun him, and then beat him down while he was on one knee.

    -They were called Stylish Shades, and they were the most expensive item in the game, peaking at 500 million... until they renamed them Badass Shades, rereleased them, and dropped their price to exactly worthless. Whoops!
  • A Vindi Wishlist

    I usually like massive walls of text, but I'm keeping this one simple: things I want to see either added, emphasized, or outright removed from Vindictus.

    Let's go!

    Secondary Weapons:
    -Scaling damage on spears based on attack power. Knockdown rate can remain the same.
    -Removal of 'Fine' spears and bombs. All spears are equal.
    -Critical hit locations on all bosses. Either these cause flinching or extra damage with spears, or a short stun with chain hooks (akin to Vella's Frostbite).
    -Bombs are visually larger, deal scaling damage, and can be 'prepped' in the hand.

    -Scaling damage on crates, boxes, plates, pots, and all other environmental objects.
    -Faster attack animations when using objects, and more mobility as well.
    -Faster flight time on most light thrown objects, and much greater damage on heavy objects.
    -Fighting using purely environmental objects should be somewhat inconvenient, but rival real weapons in terms of damage and have much better knockdown.

    -Defense on all gear is increased across the board significantly.
    -Base defense while wearing no gear is significantly decreased.
    -Monsters now deal much less damage while armor is intact, but are now significantly more painful than before against broken/no armor.

    -Attack and Energy potions are removed. They're pointless and don't feel interesting to use.
    -Stims now provide half their effect when their effect doesn't proc, making it less like a game of roulette.
    -Health potions changed, and most heal for more. Normals can be consumed while moving and while grounded, but can never receive potion mastery. Fine potions exist as they do now. Superiors are changed to heal for similar to Fines, but leave a lasting Heal Over Time.
    -Potion proficiency now passively increases the healing of all potions up to 50% at max rank; this is to keep up with health totals slowly getting higher.
    -All fish effects are massively upgraded from 100hp every minute to 5% hp every 5 seconds. Can be shared during the ready-up phase of a boat. Eating prevents you from eating again for a certain amount of time, and certain boats will cancel food buffs (Niffleheim).

    Upgrading Equipment:
    -All Enchant scrolls are taken a second look at. Useless ones that provide less than ~20 total stat points and no special effect are removed. Others (like Yeti) are buffed to be more in line with Impending, Valor, and others.
    -Infusion is removed. Existing enchantments are improved to compensate. Because really, Infusions are just stats and provide nothing else.
    -Existing Elemental stones are converted into their value in Brynn Elixirs. Existing infused will be turned into a random enchant reflective of the type of stone used and added to the player's inventory.
    -Brynn Elixir requirements changed. Lower level enchants only require as low as 25 Brynns for max effect. Newer scrolls may go up to 150.
    -Enhancement stones now drop from raid bosses.

    -Players can now participate in battle quests and story quests they are not yet the right level for as long as one person in the group is capable of running it. They will receive credit and materials for future quests they have not yet accepted should they finish.
    -Earlier quests are streamlined. Most of the kobold and Fomorian Base instances are removed, as are a few of the s2 story quests, reducing the number of overall battle missions (these are missions like Little Green Beetle or West Hilder Forest where the scenery is the same as other missions, or "Throw!" which is a meaningless solo quest and disrupts group play).
    -Group members are no longer booted from party after finishing a story mission.