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  • Are guild runs on Quick Battle inconsiderate?

    There is a Normal Board for premade runs. I know there is a QB core, but from experience, if I have a premade party, using the Normal Board to skip the boat loading cut-scene on consecutive runs more than makes up the time for the 1 core.

    Been saying this for too long, but barely nobody wants to do 5x normal board raids in a row so I just do them solo. Its sad how -1 core turns people back when the amount of time you gain with the rebattle button makes it as worth as quick battles, its like you're trading 1 core for more time to do another raid.
  • Dullahan glitch or intended?

    Its a trick that has always been there, as long as someone keeps hitting dullahan he will never stop doing that attack, useful to skip last phase if the party is capable of facetank red hits nonstop (trans/ironhide stimulant to avoid losing potions)
  • Comrades (Arcana / Succubus)

    if you have both on the same character, you can turn 1 of them account shareable at the cost of some AP, but same effect can be achieved with 2 succubus or 2 arcanas. Didn't tested it, its just what's displayed ingame when you click the sharing button in the comrade tab.
  • Vanguard "Grand Discovery"

    Opened 40 boxes at once, best drop was a lambent powder, so I guess the drops are:
    - Ergs
    - Grey rank crafting materials
    - Iron Ores
    - Remnants
    - Element stone mats

    Getting a Grand Discovery also grants +10% boost in ancient points and vanguard exp. My advice is priorizing more missions at once over 3 chars on the same one, its not worth.
  • Trying to understand guild fires

    ikevi wrote: »
    What I often see are folks with 100 luck not using blessing, and not using a badge still spending 65k per run for that extra core. You basically just agreed for me that again doing those 2 things are much more cost effective than buying the fire buff.

    They are dumb then, I always use blessings, even on the ben chenner s3 raids, its just stupid to not use a thing that is basically free with AP maxed
    ikevi wrote: »
    Or are you trying to say that 117 luck for at most 20k a raid (if you only run 6 raids a day all of them the meh drop S3s now...) is somehow worse than a guaranteed +1 core? (Because 117 luck should give you on average~1.8 extra cores in a 4 core raid. Course RNG is rng so results will vary ;-)

    Never said that, also remember that campfire gives 5 luk, so it triggers another +1 core if nobody puts a blessing. Cadet badge is only worth if you play a lot and do a lot of raids, while campfire is worth if you use it on high profit raids like dullahan and aes. So, in my opinion, they are useful, but they shouldn't be used on ben chenner raids.
