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Zuletzt aktiv
February 27, 1992
Personal Quote
About Me
I'm just a chill and casual player from the closed beta days.
  • What happened to the shining keag battle?

    I'm going to pick this apart one section at a time.
    DAOWAce wrote: »
    Cloakshire wrote: »
    Did you or did you not still receive a message saying that your equipment may still be destroyed when you tried to do your enchant? The answer, yes.
    There's a warning regardless of whatever rank you enchant.
    This statement holds no value in this argument and only proves that you failed to pay attention during the enchant process thus reinforcing that you are at fault as well. Yes it is true that you get a warning message regardless of there being a chance for destruction, but if you paid attention, you would know that there are TWO different warning messages. I'll provide them here.


    Even though the Enchant scroll description was misleading, Rank 8 and Rank 9 Enchants still prompted the first warning instead of the second. You say that you enchanted with confidence? I say you enchanted with ignorance and you paid for it by having your item destroyed. Consider your first excuse debunked.
    DAOWAce wrote: »
    There's a warning on enhancement even though the item won't be destroyed. In fact there's NO WARNING AT ALL if there's a chance for failure (without penalty) with the revamped system.
    I fail to see the relevance of bringing up Enhancing when this discussion is clearly about Enchanting.
    DAOWAce wrote: »
    The systems in place in the game are too inaccurate or vague to trust, and apparently so are Nexon themselves with them updating the tooltip.

    Sure, you can try to blame us for not testing things, but when a game is so messed up to the point where players can't even trust information presented to them, you really can't defend the company publishing it under any circumstances.
    I won't disagree that the system was inaccurate, but you could have paid attention to the warning message and prevented equipment destruction which is exactly why I'm equally blaming the players.
    DAOWAce wrote: »
    Nexon is still at fault here, through and through, and they refuse to reimburse those impacted by their mistakes.
    I never said that Nexon wasn't at fault. What I'm saying is that both parties are at fault. Nexon is at fault for misleading the players to a degree & the player is at fault for not paying attention. I'm glad those affected aren't getting their items back because Nexon doesn't owe anything to anyone. The warning message was clearly and accurately presented to each player upon enchanting so suck it up buttercup & maybe pay attention next time.
    DAOWAce wrote: »
    My ticket was closed by a senior GM with the same garbage "LOL IT'S UR FAULT WE CHANGED THE TOOLTIPS LOL" as posted here after a week of trying to even get them to understand the it in the first place.
    I call BS on your nine word summary of the ticket. They probably made similar points to what I'm saying & since you're upset about it, you're trying to make them look unprofessional. I would dare you to prove me wrong here.
    DAOWAce wrote: »
    Any other company on the planet would owe up to it; but not Nexon. They just don't give a %@#$ about their players, under any circumstances.
    Pffffttt..... I laugh at this. There's nothing for Nexon to own up to because the warning message was still accurately presented despite the tool-tip being wrong. They would only have to own up to this mistake if the message was incorrectly shown or missing which it was not. They do care about the players but they're not about to cater to a bunch of whiny people incapable of paying attention.

    So with all that being said, would you politely.......


    .....until you can come at me with an argument other than, "I'm upset because I didn't pay attention and don't wanna accept the concequences."
  • Super lucky gold bonus : gold stuck in ceiling

    I didn't know such a gold mine existed 0.o.

    I wouldn't call this a "bug" per-say, just a side effect of the Source Engine's way of handling physics. Stuff like this has happened since the game's release & can't be "fixed" without tweaking the game's engine I'd assume. An easy fix however would be to make gold auto-teleport to the player which sounds more like a suggestion rather than a bugfix. I'd recommend making a similar thread under suggestions & hopefully it can be pushed along.
  • What happened to the shining keag battle?

    @BloodAngel I agree that more information in the patch notes would be nice. What I meant when I said that everything doesn't need to be spelled out was that they don't need to spell it out for us to understand a change that wasn't listed. A new special battle was introduced & the old one went away. It's obvious that the new one replaced the old one. I didn't need patch notes, nor a GM confirmation to draw that conclusion. I just used common sense.

    I'm assuming that you're referring to the text errors in the ES descriptions after the patch when you mention booming equipment. Regarding the R8/R9 enchant scrolls booming people's items, I'm still placing equal fault on the player for boomed items. You still got the dialogue that said your item may be destroyed. If a player didn't stop and notice this, then that's on them. While notes are nice, it's equally up to us to make ourselves informed by researching on our own rather than being spoon fed patch notes & thinking that's all we need to know. I already knew that R8 & R9 enchant scrolls would still destroy items because I did the research and I know that we won't get that change until Dullahan. If I was able to figure that out on my own way before this patch, why couldn't others try to make an effort to do the research when they got the warning message about their EQ getting destroyed? The answer... inattentiveness & laziness.
  • UI Causing Frame Lag and Freezes

    There's something i actually just discovered. It would seem that when I log in, I catch about 60fps in colhen with the UI on. BUT when I hide the UI and proceed to call it back, my fps is now way lower. It would seem that the UI bogs down after it's reloaded IE: Turning it off/on, hitting a loading screen. Notice how in the first screenshot, I'm at 60fps. I turn the UI off/on, now I'm down to 45fps.


  • Attack requirement boats are wrecking the game

    In the time that I've been back over these past two weeks I've never seen an attack requirement boat with the exception of quick battles. To better show Hornywatermelon's point about how easy it is to hit those requirements, here was my setup when I came back.

    +10 Braha Spears (Orange)
    +0 braha mail/terminus sentinal (orange)
    Two thunder rings
    Sapphire Brooch
    Pirate earrings
    Emerald/Ruby Bracelets

    Everything except the pirate earrings are 2 star. No infusions and the only enchants I have are enduring&master on my chest piece.

    All that got me close to 21k attack. Given the fact that everything I've listed can be easily obtained, you should easily be able to meet all attack requirements with the exception Nemhain. That raid is for people who are maxed out in both numbers and skill, and while I do believe I have skill, I know I do not have the required numbers and I'm okay with that.