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Zuletzt aktiv
February 27, 1992
Personal Quote
About Me
I'm just a chill and casual player from the closed beta days.
  • Should the Vindi wiki get two versions?

    Neat idea but instead of making another wiki, just add an archives section to the current for all the pages that are no longer relevant.
  • Is Vindi Poorly Optimized Still?

    Your CPU's clock speed impacts performance. The 6700HQ only runs at 2.6Ghz which is your bottleneck. But thats the tradeoff when buying a laptop most of the time. You either get an "HQ, T, or U" version of the processor which is a downgraded version of its parent skew. Compare that to the regular 6700 that runs at 3.4Ghz or 6700K which runs at 4Ghz.

    The reason they do this is because the 6700 or 6700k would draw too much power to be in a laptop. Thats not to say it wouldn't work but if they put the full version of the processor in there, the laptop's battery life is going to be dramatically reduced. So from the manufacturer's point of view, downgrading to something thats more power efficient greatly extends the life of the battery making the laptop more appealing for purchase to the general public. Achieving this efficiency normally rears its head in the form of lower clock speed, or not as high of a turbo boost.

    I would ask if you had a GTX 1070, or a 1070 (Mobility) aka laptop variant. But that doesn't matter here seeing as it's only about a 10 to 12% performance difference & seeing how vindictus is mainly CPU bound, your GPU isn't going to play too big of a part here.

    Just a note on how much clock speed impacts performance. I OC'd my Fx-8150 from 3.6Ghz up to 4.1Ghz. My framerate used to hang around the mid-30s to mid-40s, but after just a 500Mhz boost, my framerate now hangs around the mid 40s up to 60. Granted my FPS does drop sometimes, but the drops aren't as low as they used to be when I was running at 3.6Ghz. Clock speed isn't the only thing to look at though, because if you take an Intel 6700k clocked at 4.1Ghz, it's going to beat the hell out of my fx-8150 despite them being clocked identically. This is due to IPC, but that's another can of worms for another conversation.

    Tl;dr: By going with the laptop, you ran the risk of buying one with a downgraded processor to compensate for running on battery power thus creating your bottleneck.
  • Transformation point gain and capacity

    Transformations were never meant to be maxed quickly. Leveling and maxing your trans should require effort, not buying an item that lets you skip the hard work.

    Back during the old system, your trans would level for every 2,000 points you gained up to level 40. Trans used to reset on the hour and charges weren't a thing. You got 1 trans per hour and that was it. You could only gain 100 points max per trans. So 100 points per trans per hour meant 20 transformations over 20 hours to level once. Times that by 40 levels... 800 transformations over 800 hours to max.

    The new system is much quicker than the old. If I recall, you get 7 points towards a charge passively every hour as well an additional 7 for completing a mission. You also get 1 full charge for every time you level up. Taking all this into consideration, if you spam your transformation at every opportunity from the moment you get it all the way to max level, you should have enough points to max out a few things easily. Primarily the passion abilities to extend the durarion. Afterwhich, you begin slowly building it up to max through.

    Tl;dr: The new system is already easier and faster than the old. No need to make it even easier. Trans is something you're supposed to work for.
  • Auto restart boat

    Maybe consolidate all your suggestion threads into one & title it "Umami's suggestion thread." If you come up with a new idea, you can just edit your existing post instead of making a new one.

    Kinda like how @GORMENTOR did in his suggestion thread here: http://forums.vindictus.nexon.net/discussion/11308/suggestions-from-gormentor
    Instead of making 10+ threads, he consolidated it all to one
  • How to get more gold and get the best scrolls

    1. Farm S2 scrolls (Enthu, Wb, etc.)
    2. Sell S2 scrolls
    3. Buy ES scraps for S3 enchants
    4. Enjoy 100% scrolls with no RNG