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Zuletzt aktiv
February 27, 1992
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About Me
I'm just a chill and casual player from the closed beta days.
  • Revive the XE Move!

    Okay, before you instantly reply "No," like I would have done years ago, at least hear me out and take what I have to say into consideration.

    Short Backstory: I'm not nor was I ever an EU player. I've always been on NA since the beta days. I was a battle hardened spear lann that idolized RaidHunter & would push myself to be just like him in terms of skill. When I first saw XE, I thought some of the moves were flashy and cool but after learning that some things were toned down, XE became known to me as "eXtremely Easy." Granted I had never played it but I assumed that if I could solo bosses as a spear lann without iframes, why would EU spear lanns need such a crutch to get by? This negative stigma faded with time after the Ignition update, but I still somewhat held this negative view of the XE version making me a premier elitist.

    Flash forward quite a few years and I found myself browsing YouTube only to come across a playlist showing off each character's XE move. I've come to admire these skills because they look so damn cool, and I appreciate them from an animation standpoint. It's a shame that they were lost despite nearly every character/weapon having one, so I suggest bringing them back. I'm not referring to the jumping combos, but rather the XE Move itself that costed 20% HP upon use. The skill read:
    - Uses a quick and powerful blow towards nearby enemies.
    - Consumes 20% HP whenever it is used.
    - You cannot use it when you have less than 20% HP remaining.
    - It can be used while you are using a different skill or while you are being attacked by an enemy.
    - If you press the Smash key immediately after using XE Move, you can use a 4-hit smash.

    I know that the XE Move will probably never be reimplemented, but it's a fun idea to toss around. IF this were done, the moves would of course have to be tweaked to fit the premier style of play. Some general tweaks for all characters should be:
    1. Remove the 20% HP cost and replace it with an SP cost (250 or 500?)
    2. Keep the original activation method of pressing both RMB/LMB.
    3. Cooldown of 5 or 10 seconds be added.
    4. Remove the ability to use it while being attacked/staggered by an enemy.
    5. Remove the iframes that the move has.

    This pretty much turns the XE Move into a hard hitting SP skill that can be used at any time during your combo & allows you to go right into your 4th smash. Some characters would need to have their individual XE moves tweaked as well. I'll list them here along with gifs of each skills animation to show what they look like.

    Sword/Spear Lann: Since Lann can glide after critical hits, his controls need to be adjusted so that players would have a choice of going into the 4th smash, or gliding if the XE move crits. I suggest holding down RMB+LMB to activate XE. If the player wishes to use their 4th smash, RMB should be released and pressed again while keeping LMB held down. If the player wishes to glide, both LMB and RMB should be released then RMB should be pressed to glide.
    Spear Lann: Possible issue with using the XE move during Grand Hurricane due to sharing the same input as Quick Fury Infusion. Change to active skill, or make it non-usable during Grand Hurricane.

    Sword/Hammer Fiona: Unsure if Changes are Needed. No Experience with Fiona

    Staff Evie: The 4th smash she chains into seems like a physical hit from when staffie had melee attacks? If so, perhaps change it to a spell? Possible issues with XE move triggering on accident due to RMB+LMB input. Change to active skill for Evie?
    Scythe Evie: Unsure if changes are needed. No Experience with Evie.

    Pillar Karok: Remove the obnoxious camera change. Yeah it looks cool, but it seems like it could disorient people easily.
    Cestus Karok: Unsure if changes are needed. No Experience with Karok.

    Bow/Crossgun Kai: Unsure if changes are needed. No experience with Kai.

    Sword/Chain Vella: No changes needed here.

    Greatsword Hurk: Not really a change, but every video I find of this has no sound effect for the move. Add sfx?
    Teide Hurk: No XE Move Exists

    Glaive Lynn: Unsure if changes are needed. No exerience with Lynn
    Blute Lynn: No XE Move Exists

    Spellsword Arisha: Unsure if changes are needed. No experience with Arisha.
    Whip Arisha: No XE Move Exists

    Phantom Dagger Sylas: Unsure if changes are needed. No experience with Sylas.

    Bastard Sword Delia: Unsure if changes are needed. No experience with Delia

    Miri: No XE Move Exists

    *Spear Lann: This wasn't an XE move, and this was the move I initially looked down upon, but after adding iframes to his roll, as well as lightning fury, I think bringing back the old EU style Fury Infusion dodge would be a good idea too. It would have to be re-named, and since I wouldn't intend on this replacing our roll, I suggest restricting this skill to only be usable during grand hurricane via the sprint button. This gives spear lann a choice: Cancel out of grand hurricane by dodge rolling away, or use the old FI dodge, and be able to resume the hurricane after dodging. This would allow spear lann to be a bit more consistent on mobile bosses because we wouldn't have to roll away, and wind up another spin. Similar to CB Vella being able to dodge & continue her 4th smash spam.
  • NEW Map / Raid / Reedemer Information (22.12.2017)

    Sanuien wrote: »
    Reminds me of Nuadha


    Posted the same thing on the last page of this thread. I wonder if they're related in some way through lore.
  • NEW Map / Raid / Reedemer Information (22.12.2017)

    It just hit me that Balor has some striking similarities to Nuadha from Mabinogi...
  • Why do people join raids with lower than 1300 AD?

    Question2 wrote: »
    Cloakshire wrote: »
    While I wasn't doing as much damage as I could have done

    I guess you dont mind if everyone else on the boat choses to do less damage than they could have done as well.

    If you want to undergear yourself, do it on your own boat.

    *clap clap* Way to take one fragment of a sentence in an attempt prove a point rather than taking my post in its entirety. To answer your assumption about me not minding, you are correct. I enjoy this game purely for its combat and its players. Way back in your thread thread about us looking forward to the RISE update, I made it clear that I love a challenge. I would have more fun in an under-geared group as opposed to group that can just roll the boss in 5 minutes. I enjoy a fight in which the party struggles and has their perseverance, endurance, and skill truly tested. It makes for a much more satisfying victory when I finally see the boss fall. But apparently you do not share this ol school mentality. It seems to me like you've lost your enjoyment of the raids and see them as nothing more than a mundane chore to be quickly done so you can do the next. All in an attempt to grind out the gold/gear/drops to further your character because that's the only thing that gives you a sense of accomplishment. Am I wrong?

    As for doing it on my own boat, it's not up to you to dictate to me whether I do this on my own boats or someone elses. I stated in my previous post that if someone does this on your boat, you have every right to kick them just like they have every right to join while wearing what they want.

    Question2 wrote: »
    Everyone should be trying to maximize DPS whether it is via skill or gear. Refusing to put on appropriate gear is like refusing to use smashes on the boss...yea you are going to do some damage, its just going to be insignificant. There is no reason for the party to take you when there are plenty of players who are more than happy to play properly. What is the point of kicking them out? A better question is, what is the point of NOT kicking them out when you can usually get someone who will do much more damage in the next 2 minutes and who is obviously putting in effort, vs someone who is not?

    It's like people who do dumb **** like refusing to shield party members in lugh or deliberately triggering the braha switch too early to make the bombing fail. If you think you are "lol so hilarious amirite???" do it on your party where you don't affect anyone else. I've had to do 30+ minute s3 raids before because the host and his friend thought it would be hilarious to swap to level 0 training weapons right before launching, they obviously did no damage in the raid and spent most of the raid dead or laughing in chat. Sabotaging the party is blatant trolling.

    I didn't notice this post of yours before so I would like to make a few points about it now.
    • Who are you to be telling everyone how they should play? "Everyone should be trying to max DPS..." Not everyone has a DPS obsessed epeen. Some players just want to hit the minimum requirement so they can experience the content without worrying about their damage. Others like myself like making this already easy game more of a challenge by forcing more tactful play on ourselves.
    • Your comparison of people not wearing the appropriate gear is very skewed. You're comparing the extremes by using examples wherein people are wearing no gear, or deliberately sabotaging raids. Your not taking into account people who are wearing a well built set of level 80 gear & actively participate in the fight.
    • "What's the point of NOT kicking someone out when you can get someone else...," There's no point in keeping someone who gears down in your party if the only thing you care about is their damage. If the person is doing something stupid like going in with no gear and only a starter weapon, then yeah, by all means kick them. However, when they're wearing something comparable to the free set that happens to be slightly weaker, but by not that much, they deserve to stay in my opinion. The only instance where they shouldn't stay is when the host only cares about DPS, which is probably how you host based of your attitude here & in other threads.
    • I find it hard to believe that you, a person that most likely kicks people for not dressing their best, stayed for 30+min in a supposed raid where you got trolled by people who took off their gear/weapons. I thought you were all about doing stuff as quickly/efficiently as possible so I figured you would have left and found another party. IF this story is true and you put up with a 30+min raid, then having a raid last an extra two or three minutes due to someone gearing down a bit shouldn't annoy you right? And just because I feel that I need to specify again for you, when I say "gear down," I'm referring to wearing something comparable. Not gonna give you a free ticket to twist my words around again.

    Question2 wrote: »
    Arishante wrote: »
    Unbelievable that people still check other players' gear in these times, when there are already restrictions put in by the game itself for s3. If you're really that ad conscious put in a restriction in your boat titles and be done with it, others do it and nobody laughs at their elitism (or do they?).

    Raids are already completed too fast if one or two players are strong, they only get derailed when team play sucks.

    Unbelivable that a game literally gives you free gear and you undergear yourself to make the raid take longer for everyone else because "those other guys can carry me anyway".

    I fail to see how your response to @Arishante is even related to the points he/she made. Nowhere did they say that they undergear themselves nor did they mention anything about getting carried. You're just assuming things/twisting words without truly reading the post just like how you did with mine & will probably do with this one. Let me break Arishante's post down into four simple statements for you.:
    1. I can't believe that people still have the elitist gear checking mentality.
    2. There's no need for such a mentality due to naturally occurring Power/Tech Requirements on raids.
    3. If your so bent out of shape about it, manage YOUR OWN boats with restrictions.
    4. Given how powerful people can get, raids are a joke and are not majorly impacted by someone gearing down a bit.

    Where in these four points made by Arishante do you see mention of him/her gearing down, or coming up with the whole carry excuse? The answer: Nowhere!

    You did the same thing to my post. I stated that, "While I wasn't doing as much damage as I could have done, I was providing support to the party in the form of consistent deflections." You went behind my words and omitted the part about me making up for gearing down by deflecting the boss thus boosting the party's dps. Quit trying to assume what people are saying, take their words literally, and stop twisting our statements just so you can make a half assed point.

    Lastly, don't assume some of us gear down because "Hur dur, ima get carried." I stated that I geared down one step for aesthetic reasons. Someone else stated that they geared down for crit, and another said they did it for more DEF. There are multiple valid reasons, but it's not up to you to make our reasons for us & indirectly insist that we're playing incorrectly. It's not about damage, it's about enjoying a game which is what we're all here to do.

    Question2 wrote: »
    If everyone else is fine with it, obviously, there is no issue.

    But why do you assume everyone else is fine with it without asking?

    I know this last part has nothing to do with me, but it did catch my eye. I just want to say how interesting I find your wording here considering myself and others called you out for the same BS in your RISE thread. Kind of hypocritical that you to falsely try and call someone out for claiming/assuming the majority when you're notorious for it (both here & in other threads). Also, just to note, nowhere in his post did he state that he assumes anything. You're just accusing him of assuming, so that's a double whammy on your part.
  • Why do people join raids with lower than 1300 AD?

    To answer the OP's question. @Question2

    While I don't do this on my Lann due to him being decently geared out in OJ gear, I do intentionally gear down to the Armageddon set on my Hurk.

    It's because I look god-awful in the free braha set & I want to fight wearing something that I think looks good. Granted it's not a base Armageddon set; it is all at least +7, fully Enchanted, and I'm using a +12 Armageddon Greatsword.

    I know I'm not doing as much damage as I could be if I wore the free set, but that's my choice to make. I've only ever had one person ask me why I wasn't wearing the free set, and after I explained my stance, they let me stay. While I wasn't doing as much damage as I could have done, I was providing support to the party in the form of consistent deflections. And realistically speaking, had I switched to the free set, how much time would that have saved? Probably not enough to even matter, but I'm not one to crunch out the damage formula so that's just a guess.

    If it's such an issue to you, then you should just check everyone that joins your boats and if you don't like it, you've got every right to kick them just like they have every right to join while wearing what they want. Problem solved.