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Zuletzt aktiv
February 27, 1992
Personal Quote
About Me
I'm just a chill and casual player from the closed beta days.
  • Thank you RNGesus!

    All I wanted to do was post a forum post showcasing that after my 7 year time period of playing this game, I finally got a +15, which is basically the end goal of this game.

    Grats on the +15. Also, I'm not trying to flame but I thought the end goal of this game was to master and conqueror every boss.
  • Vindictus 2018 Impressions Review

    ByteStix wrote: »
    Goatanks wrote: »
    How do rate this game 1.5 stars for PvP/PvE and Story Content when you can't even get past level 20?

    Easy, because from what I experienced, that's what I felt it deserved. Yes, neither Wiggy and I, nor my wife and I have ever made it beyond level 40. MMO reviews are very different to movie reviews, or reviews of video games that can be finished in 20-30 hours. MMOs often take hundreds to fully experience everything, and by that logic, wouldn't really ever be possible to fully rate, considering so many have populations so minuscule that experiencing the content is virtually impossible. While the written review on the website features an ending review of the game based off of 40 levels of experience, the video does not, and is there for my viewers to enjoy.

    So let me get this straight. You've been playing the game on and off for two years and you haven't been able to reach past level 40? I agree that MMO reviews are very different from movies and other games, but not every MMO is going to be the same. You stated that a video game can be finished in 20-30 hours whereas MMO's often take hundreds. Well NEWS FLASH, you can reach Vindictus's level cap in under 20 hours. Blackstoryz hosted a 17 hour stream where he took his Miri from level 1-95 solo. If you're playing together with your wife, ya'll should be able to get it done even faster.

    Now that 17 hours is on record as the time needed to take a character to level cap, let me compare that to your two years playing the game on an off. Two years x2 is 730 days which when multiplied by 12 gives you 8,760 hours. I know there's 24 hours in a day, but I'm only calculating 12 because sleep is a thing.
    Playing Vin to level cap would have only taken 0.194% of your total available time of 8700 hours. If you could reach level cap, you could quickly experience what the endgame scene has to offer within another 5-10 hours. You make it sound like Vindictus is some long grind to cap, but it's not.

    ByteStix wrote: »
    Goatanks wrote: »
    So you're not even going to try to progress throughout the game? You haven't even unlocked story quests for Dark Knight or Paladin.

    See above. Video is not a review. Video is impressions-based.

    Translation: I don't wanna answer that question.

    ByteStix wrote: »
    Goatanks wrote: »
    You're either Fking retarded or you're just trolling us. Is this fun for you? Do you like it when people rip on you for being a dumb liar?

    Actually, yes, this is quite hilarious to me. People cussing, name calling, and showing how ridiculously childish they are by flaming instead of offering constructive criticism has always been highly entertaining. So thank you to the couple of you that have. You're a step above the rest of the people here getting all pissy. :^)

    And yet you haven't responded to most of the constructive critique you've been offered. From what I've seen you've mostly been trying to defend yourself or engage in little back n' forths with the one's that are not happy with you. I don't really see you addressing my points made on the first page where I called you out for assuming the majority by speaking on behalf of the playerbase. Part of the process is to comment on what we say and then suggest possible changes YOU can make. We'll then reply with further comments with either disagreement or further suggestions.

    ByteStix wrote: »
    Cloakshire wrote: »
    Orly now?

    Whoops! I guess "in 2018" should have been added on to the end of that.

    That still doesn't fix the contradiction. You stated that this was your wife's impression but in a prior post you stated that it was yours. Adding "in 2018," doesn't fix your slip up. So which is it MrStix?
  • Making the Game 4k compatible (if possible)

    If I remember correctly, the game can already be played in 4k. What they need to do is make the UI scalable.

    Add UI scale slider. Problem solved. I don't kow why they haven't done this already.
  • Character Skill vs. Reward

    Deprived wrote: »
    @Cloakshire I agree with you brother about spear lann being closer to medium skill difficulty now. But I still wouldn't place him in that bracket, he's still in high skill difficulty and I'll explain why.

    You made some good points to support your claim that lann is easier to play and while I do agree that these skills make it EASIER to play lann, I still would not put him in the just medium difficulty group of classes.

    Now keep in mind, I'm looking at it from the perspective of having each class stripped naked, no armor, no accessories, OR just the plain level 90 free gear set. This way we eliminate all the extra armor and defense and whatnot that people are able to use as a crutch to stay alive with rather than relying on skill or you're dead. And this way each class will be on an even playing field.

    And I get the feeling a lot of those posting here are thinking with the mindset of someone already experienced in the game and has prior knowledge of boss mechanics. Naturally it wouldn't be as hard to use spear lann then because you know what to expect from the boss, you have the wisdom and game experience on your side. But that's not the point of view we should be looking at it from because that's just going to skew the results - we need to see how difficult it would be for a new player to pick up each class and excel with him or...at least survive right? You aren't going to do very well if you're constantly dying.

    If you compare each of the classes this way and a new player to the game tries out spear lann with not much knowledge of boss attack patterns or mechanics, not much knowledge of the game fundamentals, and he just has basic free level 90 gear, spear lann will without a doubt be one of the most difficult classes to get a hang of and play well with compared to most of the other classes in the game. Spear Lann will be one of the first to fall, if not the first one and that spear lann will be dying constantly on a typical level 90 raid.

    This is most likely why I would have inherently placed him in the mid tier. I'll admit that I wasn't looking through the lens of a new player, but rather my own lens of a player with 8 years experience as Lann (6 with spears). Comparing the characters evenly across the board with everyone being in the free level 90 set would bump Lann up. That I can agree with. He wouldn't be the highest imo, but I think he would be knocked into the high skill tier with this scenario in place.

    Deprived wrote: »
    Obviously spear lann's survivability has been increased somewhat since he was first released but he still has one of the lowest survivability rates of any other class in the game, that fact still remains. He is still one of the most dangerous classes to play and if you haven't fought that boss a ton of times you will not perform very well at all and you will die A LOT, moreso than most other classes.

    This part I cannot agree with nor can I disagree since I haven't played every character.

    Deprived wrote: »
    Nice talking to a fellow spear lann main :) And you even know about RaidHunter too!

    This part is just me fanboying, but yeah I know RaidHunter. Back in 2011, I discovered him and was completely blown away by what he was able to do. The first video I saw of him was his 7min black hammer solo which inspired one of my first Vin videos. I wasn't able to solo him as fast, but I did manage a 27min 1hp solo. His 1hp Thor solo was amazing along with his Inkells fight. The one that really blew me away was his original Glas solo on spears. Whew that takes me back. I even made a custom armor set as an homage to him for being such a big influence on how I learned Lann. You can find it here if you wanna see. I even made his signature ivories, and I also have his old raider/broken ash look +haha.

    This last part isn't directed at you but rather some food for though regarding this thread in general. The OP listed 19 of the 21 playable weapons (missed SW Arisha & Tiede Hurk). Instead of unevenly spreading out the classes among the three ranks, why not cut it to be a 7/7/7 split. Or better yet, make one continuous list from easiest to hardest instead of lumping the characters into categories. We have 12 playstyles in the mid tier, but no notation on where they rank among eachother.
  • Vindictus 2018 Impressions Review

    ByteStix wrote: »
    It wasn't my first impression, it was my wives. As for the title - I labeled it "Vindictus 2018 Impressions" as it was not my first impression

    Orly now?

    ByteStix wrote: »
    Remember - this was my first impressions, not an actual "review" of the game.

    ...this was my first impressions...

    ...my first impressions...

