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Zuletzt aktiv
April 11, 1993
Personal Quote
  • 200 Channels

    but all the bots needs to hide from peoples view, so no one complains about bots. /s
  • So what about TIR Coins/NX selling?

    EU has a different income bracket than NA, and therefore they should have TIR coins. I am a NA player, and I have been to Europe, and the nations there are not as rich as US.

    It wouldn't be smart on NA not to bring it because there would be no incentive for a EU player to play. It's like taking away a major function away, and telling them "It's going to be okay". Everyone has their reasons for playing weather it's for fashion or the game mechanics. Tir coins brought another perspective to the game, and it has build an entire economy based on that feature. If they have got rid of bots for this then I really do not see why NA would hold them back because of this.

    If they want to bring equal version then it should be brought to NA servers also. This is not a game breaking feature, and Zoltar (Community manager) has said before that they haven't brought this in because of Pay2Win feature. The fact of the matter it's not. When we refer to Pay2Win it means having a wallet in this game will give you a game breaking advantage. Meaning if you spend 1000 dollars you will get 100% a +15 weapon. If you spend X amount of dollars you get through Y dungeon. Etc. This is the same currency as server magaphones, and if NA allowed for this to happen then again I am not seeing why they wouldn't allow Tir coins to come back.
  • Class popularity poll

    I chose 17 for the Fiona option
  • A lot of features are missing

    1) There is no way to buy NX on these forums. We need a redirect to nexon.net banner on the top
    2) Get support (Another banner on top)
    3) Manage account ^
    4) Latest threads / Latest post feature. (So we can keep updated on what we said or did last. Sometimes I post in marketplace and do not check in a week or month, and I navigate in the subscription box to see what I posted last, and see if anyone offered) Right now I would have to dig by the search or each page...

    What I would like:
    1) Signature feature. If you cannot implement this at least put a feature for us to put avatars to distinguish the characters we play (At the bottom of messages), and level, so it can help new players that are not good with their characters to contact via forum or IGN. (Hopefully have a name your characters section)
    2) Text to be a little bigger by default
    3) "About me page" Sometimes there are trust transactions, and I would like to link old threads. Building up credibility, and having a network. Instead of me digging in post.
    4) Can you please bump up the marketplace section above characters like the old forums? We have to scroll down a lot in order to get to that link.

    5) Please put more topics per page. 10 is a very limited number, and would require excessive bumping...