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Zuletzt aktiv
April 11, 1993
Personal Quote
  • RIP our usefull fansites

    Saygo wrote: »

    In all honesty, I am not sure why fan sites were mentioned. We don't have any control if a fansite goes down for any reason. If a fansite were to go down, that is their decision.

    I agree with that statement, but it was mentioned here because that is how we got information about the bans. If a player is unable to play the game anymore then they are likely to not update their fan-sites or they are more willing to shut down their websites.

    Saygo I know you had a few months with the Vindictus community, but us veterans know each other in the game. We have seen each other characters for years, and this is a loyalty based game. Sanitee is known for her hard work in game, and out (fan site). She is the last person that would try to harm this game. To this day I haven't read a bad post from her about any of Nexon's practices or mistakes.

    From what I understood from the ticket that she has been banned before. I want to educate you that there has been many instances that there was error in coding in the game, and auto banned people. The Kraken glitch which if you killed the boss there was a possibility of you getting banned. A hero mode glitch where people got banned for doing normal battles. Another error part of Nexon was the flour glitch where you purchase Flour in game for 100 gold, and the vendor offers you a higher price that what you have paid for it (Basically destroying the in game economy since people spammed this and made billions of gold per hour)... The enhancement glitch where basically everyone could get +15 weapons. (Many were removed, but some were missed)

    We as a community were very forgiving towards Nexon. It's the reason why us Veterans are still here today. Sanitee is one of them, and I know she is the last person that would purposely break the TOS.
  • DevCAT's Confirmation on Test Server

    IMPORTANT UPDATE: So after reading devnotes I noticed something was overlooked completely (which is my fault all together for not verifying a 5th time like I normally do) The 2nd weapon will not be THIS UPDATE but the 2nd update which is in probably 1-2 weeks. I am VERY sorry for that :( I myself am pretty ashamed that I managed to overlook that somehow. Excitement got to me big time. Im so sorry guys x.x The 2nd weapon won't be this update but it will be the new Episode I think so it's not a total loss at least.
    It's all fine. I am happy we have a translator :)
  • Prepare your wallets... Black Friday Sale

    5 dollars does not justify anything at this point... 5 dollars for a DYE? Basically any NX item that is not enchant related rune or Outfitters you are worst off. buying this box.
    Agreed. After 10 Deluxe Black Friday Lucky Boxes on Day 1, I should have stopped. I honestly do not know why I bothered to purchase more Deluxe Black Friday Boxes considering that my results for it has been less than satisfactory compared to Day 1; it must have been my own greed thinking that I could get more rare items. It leaves me with buyer's regret and a poor taste in my mouth. Sure, I may have gotten White Phoenix Wings, Iset, and Midnight Wolf on Day 1, but I had to sell those items to help gear up my characters. My hope was if I could get a couple more outfitters, I could send them to characters that don't have one.

    On the topic of Gachapons (not related to the Black Friday Box), can we please get rid of Merc Pots, GGs, Fishing Rods, and Blessings have them replaced with something else? Maybe something actually useful? A lot of us have way too many that it is absolutely unnecessary.
    It's not good business when a customer is feeling buyer remorse. This is why people leave.
  • Prepare your wallets... Black Friday Sale

    If the rates are like the Bunny babe set ones I will love this. Hopefully they put airtight items, and this time enhancement rune/enchant rune
  • Vindictus Avatar Contest [ Submission]

    photo 2016_11_09_0000_zpsk0niwgtr.jpg

    IGN: Vella4theWin