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… (more)So it looks like this was a change from KR after Rise that Nexon NA never told us about.
If only the other newbies out there had easier access to all this information to help them deal more damage in their raids to avoid this 1% damage penalty.
Because this thread isn't just for me, it's for all the other newbies and weaker players that don't get that 1% damage in Royal Army Raids in time and many of them don't use the forums at all or use it very little and won't get to see this to help them out and avoid this penalty.
If you are doing less than 1% in royal raids you might be the problem not the system.That way every freeloader can log 20 chars daily to farm for shards
If they didn't give lower leveled players buffed stats you would have an argument over the 1%. You have to be doing something seriously wrong to not get at least 1% with the lv90-esque stats they give everyone or being a faceplanter.
And to you elitists like "MisterWhiskers" and "Emerthyst" here in this thread that are just so full of yourselves, that choose to insult others just because their gear isn't great and can't do as much damage because they aren't as good as you in the game, your posts are just spam and you contribute nothing of importance to this topic. You only show everyone how much of a s hitty person you are not having a care in the world about those less fortunate than yourself like the newbies who can't deal a whole lot of damage in Royal Army Raids even though they're trying their best. You choose to spit on them just because they can't meet your standards and perform as well as you can. You're such hateful people that you can't even manage to find anything useful or helpful to say when you see someone worse off than you besides "if you can't do that damage you're the problem, you're doing something seriously wrong, it's your fault you have no argument."
Thank you for exposing how much you're terrible, ugly, insecure human beings. Because if you weren't so insecure about yourself and your own personal issues and how bad you really feel about yourself and your own life, you wouldn't be feeling the need to jump at every chance you get to insult others to try and make them feel bad too. You would actually be trying to help like others here in the thread have but you're just too damn insecure about yourselves to do that, you have to throw insults to comfort yourselves about your own personal issues. "Oh I know, I'll try to make this person feel bad too so they can go through what I'm going through then I'll find comfort knowing there's now someone else out there that feels bad like me!" This is the mentality of a bully and very insecure person. It's sad but pathetic and shows how weak minded you are. I hope one day you learn to become actual mature adults like the rest of us and get over your insecurities rather than going around stepping on others to make yourself feel better.(less)
Thank you for the laugh kid, its people like you is the reason why the forums are pure aids.