• Kai's X gun kai rolls

    Mainichi wrote: »
    ITT: Kais complaining about bolt roll being gone when it does not affect anything other than their
  • Kai's X gun kai rolls

    Not Triggered saying the truth how it is, no point in pvping as a Xgun kai now, theres nothing i can do to counter grab spammers far as pve goes hes dodge was perfect the way it was no (more)
  • Kai's X gun kai rolls

    Not going to pvp with this Sh i t dodge now i can get grab spammed to death like nothing, time to piss everyone off with using my bow 24/7, inb4 bow nerf beacuse range
  • Kraken xGun Solo

    gj if you used pot would be pretty much the same time as mine Kraken solo(bow) (more)
  • PVP Power Ranks?

    @Cessa not sure if your talking about Arena pvp/Freematch pvp or just boat pvp, but don't shoot me but am gonna guess your talking about Arena/Freematch pvp. Spacing/skill brings a big (more)