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May 6, 1989
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  • Monster Bingo Thread!

    DownIoad wrote: »
    @ dazedgumball

    Maybe update the post with the ticket numbers they drop? ex. Big Horn Yeti (1)

    It's already there.
  • Monster Bingo Thread!

    Kiwa wrote: »
    Every day, two bosses within Vindictus will drop a Bingo Number

    From the News..

    So each day two dungeons will drop specific numbers, assuming today will be #1.

    The Bingo Tickets(Which can be obtained from ANY raid) are for the pouches in the exchange shop, you can buy 3 a day.
    Which will give you whatever numbers and can be duplicates.

    Okay. We'll need screenshots to fully confirm the specific number drops then.
  • Monster Bingo Thread!

    NotRain wrote: »
    Ok so you get rid of my thread, thats fine.
    you merge 2 threads and i dont get to edit in this one, thats fine.

    BUT THE INFORMATION IS WRONG HERE, red ruins gives a general ticket we are looking for the numbers. so remove the "Day #1: Red Ruins" and wait for someone with a proper screenshot to appear.

    I'm going under the assumption that the bingo ticket is to purchase the pouch that gives you the number.
  • Monster Bingo Thread!

    Since I'm currently at work right now and can't log in, I'd figure I'd make the annual monster bingo thread to help players get all those numbers. Please contribute and help each other get all those boss rewards.

    Note: It has been reported by players that any boss that shows up in any other dungeon other than the original will not drop the bingo. As I understand, the bingo number will only drop based on the dungeon itself and not the boss.
    For example: If today's bingo is Earthborn Seal, it will only drop there and will not drop in Guardian of the East.

    Day 1 - Bingo #1: Prairie Gnoll & Big Horn Yeti
    Day 2 - Bingo #2: Hell Beyond the Door & Misty Summit (Quick-Hand Seira)
    Day 3 - Bingo #3: Proof of Courage & The Secret
    Day 4 - Bingo #4: Hunter at the Ruins & Crescent Moon Island (Earthshaker Zaka)
    Day 5 - Bingo #5: Frost Stones & Brynn's Research
    Day 6 - Bingo #6: Red Archer & Dead End Street
    Day 7 - Bingo #7: Trampled Plains & The Contract
    Day 8 - Bingo #8: Ruins of Sanctity & Give a Beggar a Coin...
    Day 9 - Bingo #9: Prepare for Counterattack & Ship Graveyard (Longboot Matty)
    Day 10 - Bingo #10: Blood Prince & The Deep Mines
    Day 11 - Bingo #11: Culprit Behind the Disturbance & Prairie Gnoll
    Day 12 - Bingo #12: Big Horn Yeti & Rescue
    Day 13 - Bingo #13: Spider Overload & ????
    Day 14 - Bingo #14: A Town Engulfed & Hell Beyond the Door
    Day 15 - Bingo #15: Hunter at the Ruins & ????
    Day 16 - Bingo #16: Depths of Ainle & Ship Graveyard (King Stoneshell)
    Day 17 - Bingo #17: Trampled Plains & ????
    Day 18 - Bingo #18: Prepare for Counterattack & Beginning of the Memory
    Day 19 - Bingo #19: Unfinished Business & Moonlight Peak (Excavator Gianoo)
    Day 20 - Bingo #20: Goliath & Twilight Desert (Desert Roc)
    Day 21 - Bingo #21: Depths of Ainle & ????
    Day 22 - Bingo #22: A Town Engulfed & Rescue
    Day 23 - Bingo #23: Dead End Street & Give a Beggar a Coin...
    Day 24 - Bingo #24: Ship Graveyard (Longboot Matty) & The Fallen Guardian
    Day 25 - Bingo #25: Red Archer & The Secret

    Day 1 - Bingo #1: Brynn's Research & ????
    Day 2 - Bingo #2: Culprit Behind the Disturbance & ????
    Day 3 - Bingo #3: Frost Stones & Crescent Moon Island (Earthshaker Zaka)
    Day 4 - Bingo #4: Blood Prince & ????

    DownIoadDIN0VoldaireDyeamXieGhengisJohnPhearyTetsuyaBloodAngelProR2D2and 51 others.
  • Old/New Enchant Scroll Names

    Resolute -> Adjusted
    Vivacious -> Enthusiastic

    Those are the only ones I know.