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October 7, 1995
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Staff Karok
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I play staff karok.
  • where were you when channel 1 happened

    I think a solid Who Cares, pretty much sums up this entire thread.
  • What are your favorite little fixes in this patch?

    Xgun Dodge, just cause it's fun watching them get salty.
  • Kai's X gun kai rolls

    Arrow95 wrote: »
    Mainichi wrote: »
    ITT: Kais complaining about bolt roll being gone when it does not affect anything other than their travel time.
    Your Half right, it affects the travel time yes, but also when we need to dodge attacks or even undodgeable attacks we can move out of the way with bolt roll
    With this new dodge hes very slow pretty much like bow kai now, with the dodge now you will get hit no matter how hard you try, like for Ex. havans 4 attack combo not super fast, but Bow kai and the old dodge could invul each one if timed right now with this nerfed dodge impossable, also with gun kai he is pretty much face to face with a boss with the dodge hes Survivability went down 10 fold

    People so easyly jump on the Hate kai bandwagon without knowing anything

    So now that they have a dodge that is similar to lann's and people are still complaining? Yeah you pull agro more but that balances for the fact you're out of the fight for 70% if not more of the raid basically. There is always a way to dodge or move out of an attacks way as well so learn it. Idk where you get xgun is face to face with a boss tbh, he avoids a lot of attacks simply because he is far enough away. I have played xgun before and played a good bit of him. Too brain dead and easy, not my style. Why I haven't played him for a while now but these changes are perfectly fine imo. Just because you main an easy character (and it is not the hardest or close to a hard char to play) doesn't mean you have to get all defensive about it or say it's hate. Simple fact is, kai is not hard to do a lot of dmg with cheaper gear than other chars, as well as less risk and down time from dodging. All they changed now was an exploit that shouldn't have been in the game in the first place.
  • Kai's X gun kai rolls

    Are the most overpowered chars really complaining about this? They're still like the cheapest to gear out to do massive damage with. They barely need to dodge anyway, yeah sure they pull agro but when you don't have to dodge attacks all other chars have to dodge because the area of the normal attacks doesn't reach how far the kai stands away. IMO it needed to be fixed a long time ago, along with some other things. Anyone complaining about pvp is just kind of dumb. The pvp in this game is crap at best and they don't do much to fix it.
  • Rage at Ein Lacher

    I have this same problem, been waiting for Taonu for what feels like a damn year. He will also be getting me well over 600 titles. Makes it even worse is seeing Lugh up basically every other day or 3 days in a row. I don't understand why they don't just have a set 10 per day, and switch for 7 days. This way the most you will ever wait is a week, not over a month (almost 2) for one battle.