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Only if you face and conquer your deepest fears will you become one of the bravest.
  • KurtzPel is going to wreck Vindictus so bad.

    Rezi wrote: »
    Perhaps the most ironic part of all of this is that KP likely took far, far less time to develop because they didn't put in useless P2W/T2W content like levels and gacha-style enh/ench nonsense, not to mention making mob design a secondary concern while focusing balance on PvP (where real thought is used). Vindi, on the other hand, took forever to make content that Rise just threw into the trash, it's not at all balanced, it's not fair, and everyone's leaving.

    There are people who like farming that i can understand. I liked it too when i started playing MMO's. The problem is that there are a lot of players who don't have much time for games and they just want to hop in for a few dungeon runs or pvp matches. When i played UT2004 and UT3 actively that meant only 1-2 hours a day, usually only one hour because we voted for the same maps after that time. But that 1 hour was eventful.

    I can say the same thing about Tera's battlegrounds. Even though i had a PvP set there that i used in Ally PvP, i couldn't use them in the battlegrounds because it gave everyone equal gears. Only the crystals counted but they were very cheap. So the only thing you had to do is to level up your character to 60 (it was the max. level back then) to max out all your skills. You had plenty of time for PvP and it didn't end like who has the most HP remaining wins (except for Corsair's Stronghold where the throne room crystals' remaining HP counted, but that's a whole different thing) and the knockdowns were moderate not like in Vindi where for unknown reasons characters like Hurk knocks you down with almost every hit, and you get tired of chasing them rather than of the heat of the combat.

    So, there are examples for the Vindi developers if they want to balance out the T2W features with non-T2W features. I'm not an expert in this but players usually have more insight in these things than some of the devs. That's why i think they should listen to them with at least half ear. Then it's up to them if they want to add to those ideas.
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    Steven Wilson - The Same Asylum As Before

  • "Lighting Effects" cuts my fps by more than half

    It's well-known that Vindi's map design is crap in terms of optimization, but if the Lighting effects setting above low turns on Global Illumination then you can't really do anything, and GI can put a lot of load on the GPU.
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    Avantasia - The Final Sacrifice

    Couldn't resist the radio in my head. One of my absolute favourites from them.
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    Force Majeure - Subarctic Showdown
