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Only if you face and conquer your deepest fears will you become one of the bravest.
  • Rise update lies about damage contribution system

    Blatant wrote: »
    So you think doing less than 1%, an insignificant amount, is not leeching? Even if they're "trying", doing that much is obvious that their gear/skills are no where near where they need to be to complete the run. The only real argument op has is that there won't be as many of these "noobs" who can't do 1% joining but if you look at the screenshot they got 10th. That's 9 other people who were able to do 1%. I don't think its that hard to replace one person to start the RaR.

    You can call it leeching if you consider it as a dps competition. But it shouldn't be considered as leeching otherwise. That was my point.

    Back then when S2 raids were alive and people went in with lv 70 and lv 80 chars and lv 90's joined it was very easy to produce damage below 1%. And you know it's not your fault when you can solo that raid easily even though it takes more than 30 minutes for you because of your gear and then you produce damage below 1% in a higher geared group.

    Not everyone has 16k+ def to facetank them. Also the attack speed changes the gameplay drastically. You can have the skills for a high ats character but try a low ats one. It's a huge difference and much more difficult to play with.

    In my opinion the only reward for higher dps should be the boss dying in shorter time as it was before Rise came in.

    PS.: It's an obvious business strategy to encourage a competition between customers and then sell things which they can use to overcome others especially when it's required. Whoever came up with the idea of this reward system, it was not for eliminating leechers, that's only the side effect of it.
  • Redirecting screenshots to secondary drive

    It should work if you put a symlink (shortcut) called Vindictus into the Documents directory that points to the other directory on the new drive.

    You can do it if you move the entire folder to the new drive, and you create a link to it with this command:
    mklink /D C:\Users\User\Documents\Vindictus D:\Games\Vindictus\Documents
    First parameter is the link's path, the second parameter is where it should point to. Pay attention to the paths and change them to yours.

    I do the same as i have an SSD for the system that i don't want to fill with junk, because SSD's become slow if they reach max. capacity.

    That smiley is "D :" without space.

    Since in your case it can't find the Documents folder, then create it manually, try with the same path it was previously (like if your user name was different), and then create the link inside it. Also you can check the permissions on the Documents folder. Right-click - Properties and see if it's read-only.
  • 95 update has taken its toll on me.

    Prototypemind's Daily Mission:
    Eat something nutritious - 0/3
    Throw away trash - 0/10
    Write daily rant post on Vindictus forums - 1/1

    Yours isn't much different but instead writing the daily wannabe funny post.
    LoLoBootyOrder5ReziDubDeeMaryJanePrototypemindMadcobraDelterosmisakamisakaSir_Renderand 4 others.
  • Were horrible people (open beta players)

    Rezi wrote: »
    Many MMOs were designed for eSport functions, but most never got actual leagues, and the ones that did (LoL, WoW, GW2) suck as eSports. While those that could work as them, like S4 League and Vindictus, failed to get balanced appropriately over time and now they can't function as eSports simply due to developer incompetence.

    I wasn't accurate. I meant MMO as MMORPG.
    Rezi wrote: »
    Developers suck at their own games, which is why they hire other people to test them. Devs constantly show incompetence when it comes to the gameplay they designed, and often forget about content that their players have to remind them exists.

    If you are the programmer, the automatic code compilation in modern game engines helps a lot in testing, so you don't need to write so many unit tests for each functionality when you can test them in almost real-time in the editor, and you're actually playing the game when you're testing pieces of code. You don't want to call the game testers every minute to test it for you.
    Rezi wrote: »
    Many games are designed around investing years in them. Earlier MMOs especially required investment. But the point was that said investment had a legitimate reward, such as finding hidden side quests that no one else had, or mastering that one raid boss after people had been failing at it for months, or being the best in your profession because you had a good history of player trading high quality rather than because you sold thousands of low quality items in a market. Modern games just aren't like that.

    Yes, but i meant it so that mastering it doesn't take years, maybe only a couple of months if you play regularly and you like the game too. For someone who hasn't played videogames before it might take a bit longer, but not much. It's like riding a bicycle. It's not complicated or difficult anymore once you find out how to do it.

    However videogames need the least muscle coordination and the least use of muscle memory, because you don't need to push the keys harder or more softly to perform the desired action and you don't have to do any kind of tricks with them, so it's pretty easy for a human to master them. Wonder how we could play on an NES as a child without the need for special skills and how we could complete levels in a game that seemed so impossible to do? All games are simple memory tests, nothing more. Some may invest more time and some may invest less time in them.

    The problem nowadays is when people despise others because they know a game less than them. This is so f**ed up in my opinion.
  • KurtzPel is going to wreck Vindictus so bad.

    Rezi wrote: »
    That said, KP fulfills all of those. It's cel-shaded, a huge contrast to Vindi's realism, likely won't skimp on sounds, has great animations, is guaranteed to have a great story since it's the same theme as Grand Chase and Elsword, and its mechanics/controls look very well-polished.

    Vindi is a perfect example of what flew 5-10 years ago: Highest detail possible, any amount of environmental interaction even if half-baked, apathetic story dialogue that is forced onto the player yet still easily skipped, jumpscares, and action combat that is ganked by P2W. Mabi is what flew before that - non-linear, party-play focused, optional "chosen one" main story, with endless grind.

    Now it's all about get-up-and-go gameplay, shiny visuals, a good story presented in a way that's not in-your-face, with less of a focus on endgame and more on steady progression throughout where achievements matter more than scoreboards.

    Now the questions is, will it be available in EU?

    For me it doesn't matter if it has a story if the mechanics pay it off, but it can add to the quality if it has. I liked the story of Season 1 in Vindi. Although it was really annoying to read the dialogues several times with my other characters when it should have been optional. I haven't met any jumpscares in MMO's but there were several jumpscares in DS at my first playthrough, especially the undead dogs scared me all the time when they jumped into my face out of nowhere.

    I'm curious about KP, and i will give it a try if it comes to EU.