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Alright, now that I'm finally in the forums again. Going to discard some outdated posts and ones that contain mistakes. Idk what happened, but kept getting server error 1599 again and again.
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One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -Ansem Kingdom Hearts
About Me
Just a person who enjoys playing ranged characters in MMO games.
Even though I don't play lynn myself, perhaps this could help you greatly for practicing braha as a lynn. I have yet to see a braha solo for delia though.
I think the teleportation part got fixed recently, so I'm not sure if that's still consistent.
Gilded Spire bow is a bow made from the holy ulchas sword via goldsmithing or NPC crafting (Ferghus).
NPC crafting ingredients:
silver ore x3
copper ore x2
Blood prince emblem x1
Ulchas holy sword x1
Expertise crafting ingredients (minimum 130 expertise to craft):
rune of dominion x6
tattoo of dominion x1
Fine iron ore x6
Copper ore x2
Ulchas holy sword x1
Cannot be collected as a boss drop.
If you are using it to upgrade to R gilded spire, go for NPC craft. If you are looking to level expertise, go with the latter.
NOTE: you can only store 1 ulchas sword per player as it is classified as a unique item. Ulchas sword can be found from Ulcha's relic or blood prince. Any additional swords found will be sent to mailbox.
Because throwing 20 bombs at braha seems too much work to get one break off, or throwing two spears per flinch (total of 4 to get break per part) as well. In all honesty, I get the extra chance for R7 + OJ, but loads of players don't find it worth the trouble (esp when you have a kai/hurk that does dps 2 win). and considering how people are all GAGA over damage as opposed to loot, it just shows that no one seems to care about bonus missions when said market is super inflated and one can just farm seals to buy oranges.
20 seals + 10 honor medals + 15 seals from abyss arena (24 if vip) = 45-54 (minimally) seals per day during the cycle of the two days of abyss arena. 40 seals = one armor prime you want. 150 seals = weapon prime you want.
Scroll prices for R7 are at an all time low, the lowest I've seen in a long time, and for some players, they get deterred from doing raids in general, lets alone 80+ Ein Raids since those have an off chance of giving R7 + rare.
Is there no difference between Terminus and Lugh armor?
Other than the +70 att per R7 enchant on armor... and Cloth armor being easier to break than light armor, no.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that Armorsmith cannot craft lugh armor, and Tailor cannot craft Regina armor.
If you want an offensive set, but want a balance of defense to boot, I would recommend Term sent + braha.
Term sent weapon, head, and leg. Braha, chest, arm, and boot.
Full term set or full lugh set if you want a pure offensive set.
Enlightened x2 (Head + leg) = crit +4, resist +2, Bal +2, Speed +4, att +420 (extra 140 if lugh)
Silent x2 (arm + boot) = crit +2, resist -4, Bal +4, Speed +4, att +220 (extra 140 if lugh), Def +300
Declarative x2 (arm + boot) = Resist +2, Bal +8, Speed +2, att + 660 (extra 140 if lugh), Def -660
Enthusiastic x2 (head + leg) = bal +10, att + 540 if STR, 564 if INT, Def -740
Totals after enchanting everything I mentioned:
+6 crit,
+0 resist,
+24 balance (can be exchanged for 15 speed via triple fast enchant scroll),
+10 speed,
+1,940 att OR +1,964 M.ATT (+420 more if lugh),
Defense -1,100
Dual Dead gives 10 balance and resistance at the cost of 80 strength (216 att) and 900 health,
Valor gives 5 balance and 4 speed while giving 130 att or 119 m.att