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Alright, now that I'm finally in the forums again. Going to discard some outdated posts and ones that contain mistakes. Idk what happened, but kept getting server error 1599 again and again.
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One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -Ansem Kingdom Hearts
About Me
Just a person who enjoys playing ranged characters in MMO games.
Got to stage 8 in wall master and the walls started getting spaced too far apart to make it through the gap in time...
i got exactly same problem, can someone who cleared wall challenge post any tips or record your run pls?
im no master but i got to stage 18 after many many tries; the trick imo (up to this stage at least) is to hug the front wall while moving and then keep an eye on the second wall that comes. As soon as you clear the first wall in front of you, immediately head in the general direction of the arrows on the second wall (hold A or D while aiming your character with your mouse). At this point you will be close enough to make it through the second wall. Rinse and repeat. Up to stage 13 or 14, you can get away with just walking/jogging with the occasional dash and you should be fine, however, further stages require running the whole time, so as you may imagine, aiming and adjusting your character gets significantly more difficult. Or im just a filthy casual. Someone probably has a better way, but this has worked for me so far.
I'll do a guide on this when I can. Though it would seem that it would be more difficult as a karok or hurk considering they are under the "heavy model" build for the characters.