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Alright, now that I'm finally in the forums again. Going to discard some outdated posts and ones that contain mistakes. Idk what happened, but kept getting server error 1599 again and again.


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One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -Ansem Kingdom Hearts
About Me
Just a person who enjoys playing ranged characters in MMO games.
  • This doesnt happen everyday #rare

    Double oranges are an extremely rare case of being lucky in a raid. Since bosses normally only drop 1 shiny with a regular core, there are rare cases of dropping a second shiny from a lucky core as well, along with one from a normal drop as well.

    This also happened to me when I was farming ben chenner all the time during the event period of the Orchid Fauna Event, where I got two orange solids, where I sold the weaker one and kept the stronger one to use for myself.
  • Blackcipher CPU usage spiking?

    I stopped doing S2 raids when this black cipher crap began to eat up 80-90% of the cpu I have currently... How does a thing like this even happen or got the green light in the first place?

    They really need to fix these optimization issues Cipher presents, or get rid of it entirely and replace it with a more secured way to flag accounts for moderating their clients.
  • Item Bound?

    If you receive a 5* items, it will bind as well.
    Actually you can trade boss items (5 star gear which includes ghost ring, thor belt, chiulin, ingkara) if you get them as a drop. It's when you upgrade from 4 to 5 star that is when it binds to you.
    Do any of the S2 and up bosses even drop gear?

    Iset can drop Nighthawk parts at 2 star quality

    Lavasat can drop Majesty parts at 2 star quality

    Downside is though the 70 gear is completely useless in terms of viability other than champion giving stamina and Royal/Imperial guard being a copy of Red Elchulus armor. No defense, and no strength is what makes majesty and Nighthawk a laughable mess.

    Champion is just a pain in the butt to craft because you need 20 pieces of a part from a boss that ONLY DROPS 2 cores with most of the loot being completely useless. Season 2 to me other than raids is the embodiment of how NOT to make an MMO game.
  • Dullahan 101

    Basically this. Though I was basing it on the Soul Appearance. The soul is apparently a female. Though I don't know too much about the mythology about Dullahan so it's more or less me assuming it's Gender.
    It's been a while since an MMO has had an ice theme boss anyway, and dullahan fits in perfectly. Though, I'm not sure how powerful the 95 weapons are going to be when compared to the 90 weapons because a load of players have +15 90s with almost 16,000 attack rating.

    They most likely chose the dullahan to be Female to fit the ice theme even more. It even gives me some Blizzeta battle vibes from twilight princess by reading your description.

    The armor is just an empty husk and the gender of the Dullahan is dependent on the soul that inhabits the armor.

    There could be a connection to the nine worlds in Vindictus, where Helheim is a world that is completely enveloped by ice clocking in at absolute zero temperatures (0°K, –273.15°C, or –459.67°F.), where the dead and Dullahans reside and travel to Midgard (Earth or the regular world of Vindictus) to take a human soul with them as an act of revenge of some form. It is rumored that the dead souls suffer from this extreme cold and seek revenge on Midgard for their warm luxuries on those that murdered them, with Dullahans having full memories of their past before their untimely death.


  • Player Base is gone.

    Finals week, work, responsibilities. we can't just play this game all the time when we have rent and bills to pay along with getting food on the table you know.

    Plus, there are private boats that doesn't show up on the boat board, so there is that as well (I usually do it all the time because I don't like stow-a-ways afking on me.)

    Honestly, I think the 90 weapons are way too powerful for their own good since many players are soloing runs and raids. It's become a total cake walk if you have enough practice in.

    Also, there is prime time as well, which is usually around 6PM pacific if you're on west since most jobs orientate on a 9-5 schedule.

    I never had any problem with finding boats other than Nilfheim, but come on, who even does that anymore?