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Alright, now that I'm finally in the forums again. Going to discard some outdated posts and ones that contain mistakes. Idk what happened, but kept getting server error 1599 again and again.


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Personal Quote
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -Ansem Kingdom Hearts
About Me
Just a person who enjoys playing ranged characters in MMO games.
  • World of pain 5 minute oath solo run X gun kai

    Soloed this dungeon within less than 5 minutes. Granted that this is extremely hard to do, and would be ruined if manus spawned. I claimed that abilities were required to do this, but I proved myself wrong. Hope everyone enjoys.

  • Are there many people in America server recently?

    Eastern player playing west server, still going strong on my end, and will keep going until the game gets completely taken down.

    As for other players who left the game, I understand and respect your decision to do so.

  • Stopping Lorgrarch's Party Wipe

    You have 10 seconds while he is charging his attack to deal 20% of boss's HP damage to him. He uses this attack up to 3 times maximum in one battle. If you touch his mace while he is charging his attack, you will get hit so you need to damage him while not touching the mace. During the last 3 seconds of his charging, all your attacks will be 100% critical hits, so this is the best time to use 'big skills' like massive impact.
    Guess that explained how my massive impact did 166,000 damage.
  • Game will die if...

    Okay so game dies if new players are given free crap when you could have taken advantage of said event by making alts... hmmm

    okay, then we have players that kick new players from these parties if they don't have anywhere near the stats required as mentioned in the boat, where ironically sometimes they don't have the stats themselves... which is in fact HILARIOUS.

    So where this game is dying by a margin is because you guys WHINE about new players getting free crap, but then there are those that put up attack requirement boats, where anyone under that stat margin gets instantly kicked off the boat, which causes EVEN more whining when the entire party dies.

    PLEASE tell me more of HOW the community is working together to fight this problem because at this point, when there are 24k attack boats where the cap is 18K, then please tell me how attack is everything hmm?

  • How to Lorgrach?

    You need an attack that will guarantee to interrupt his charged attack. This includes knocking him down, firing a massive impact, or using your holding skill.

    where 2 of the 3 are more effective to use, while the knock down one has a chance to work.

    If the charged attack is fully charged up, then there will be an aoe that will instantly kill the entire party, and will EVEN break through life flare, so don't try to tank the attack.

    For the red projectiles, if they hit the wall, or hit the boss itself, then they will despawn. You can use this to your advantage by dodging to get behind him. Just be wary of where you dodge as they will track back to your current position by making a giant U-turn. Think of missiles that home in on you.