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Alright, now that I'm finally in the forums again. Going to discard some outdated posts and ones that contain mistakes. Idk what happened, but kept getting server error 1599 again and again.


Zuletzt aktiv
Personal Quote
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -Ansem Kingdom Hearts
About Me
Just a person who enjoys playing ranged characters in MMO games.
  • That new update doe


    why's that exactly?

    some of us don't even have the luck to even go beyond 10 anyway.

    You can use all the runes you want, but it's just gonna be a waste when it blows up. This, along with the no returns the 2nd boom already deterred a lot of players from attempting beyond 10 again, myself included.

    If this game is just going to punish me for TRYING to get to end game, I might as well go grind and buy a +15 rather than waste hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of weapons, runes, stones, and elixirs only to end up having ferghus go "oops mah hand slip" over and over again.

    You want to know what a pack of 50 runes cost? 190 dollars in USD, and that can ONLY be used up to +10. Can't use it for +11 to +15.

    So when you finally get to +10 depending on how many runes you used to get there, and having it blow ZE F*** up on you in the process is how much money you are throwing away in real life, and with said money I could instead buy food to keep myself safe and sane rather than trying to NO LIFE a boss that will end up pulverizing the player base anyway.

    So say that 10 runes blows up on you in the process when having a +10 weapon... well there goes 38 dollars USD down the drain when you attempt +11 and it blows up. Point of the matter is this game is NOT skill based, but Luck based. It's like playing the lottery over and over again and hope to Elchulus that Ferghus or Brynn don't end up wasting your time, which 99% of the time will end up being wasted time anyway considering that you have to "pay" to protect your weapon from turning into powdered metal adding on top of the chore it is to even get the pieces to assemble it in the first place.

    Some of us are really tired of trying to give out everything only to get nothing in return, which is why some of us gave up on enhancing in its entirety, and instead resorted to the grinding/buying route. SURE it takes longer, but it saves the aggravation of seeing "enhancement failed: equipment destroyed" and having a 2/5 chance to get your prime back.

    So go ahead, call me what you want, but at the end of the day, at least I'll be grinding my favorite spots with the revamped waking stone system than force myself to go along with the crowd and wonder why everyone around them has quit the game... I'll give you all the time in the world to think about this with pure consideration. Knowing me, I'll just be retaliated with even more bewildering insults because I main "a stereotypical kai" which just gives another reason why I never like to socialize in the first place. At least I'll have the last laugh when one member DCs or the entire party wipes in nemain only to result in humorous salty megaphones that cost a nickel to post each time.
  • That new update doe

    Wonder how many players are going to quit from this content alone? *sits quietly and studies everyone in this room*
  • Arisha Solo Videos

    and meanwhile I done muir with no hit at least 10 times by now. Overall grats.
  • Winter 2017 Memorial Wall

    If you only missed one day @Renkotsu it won't kill you any. two or three on the other hand will cause you to miss the EX enchant rune and whatever that Rare scroll is that reduces the cost of restoration via AP.
  • Market place crafting material list is wrong

    Basically there's an extra wording or changed wording in the set name to signify the intelligence counterpart.

    70 armors:

    Everlasting: STR

    Everlasting Leather: INT

    apocryphal: STR

    Mahra: INT

    Royal Guard: STR

    Imperial Guard: INT

    Phantom Heavy: STR

    Phantom Light: INT

    Nighthawk's Heavy: STR

    Nighthawk's Light: INT

    Champion: STR

    Champion Soft: INT

    Majesty: STR

    Majesty Soft: INT

    80 armors:

    Black pearl: light STR

    Pirate: Heavy STR

    Classic Black Pearl: INT

    Heremon's: STR

    Heremon's Soft: INT

    Noblesse: STR

    Noblesse Witch: INT

    Skeleton: STR

    Skeleton Witch: INT

    Armageddon: STR

    Armageddon Witch: INT

    Hope this will help you out a bunch when crafting.