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Alright, now that I'm finally in the forums again. Going to discard some outdated posts and ones that contain mistakes. Idk what happened, but kept getting server error 1599 again and again.


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One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -Ansem Kingdom Hearts
About Me
Just a person who enjoys playing ranged characters in MMO games.
  • Kai's X gun kai rolls

    Cashews wrote: »
    Ikarsu wrote: »

    That was way before X gun was released... like 2010 Vindictus era... back when soloing was extremely difficult and you only had level 60 weapons to work with along with broken mechanics that were beyond the capabilities of the player... at times.

    Though, I've been practicing with the new dodge, and turns out there is a way to reduce said delay even further by shift dashing (ctrl + w - quick press) as you finish the dodge. It isn't exactly the same as the original bolt dodge, but if it helps reduce delays, at least it's a plus for me. When I did glas Ein lacher with this trick, it reduced the amount of hits I took from 12 to 4 hits. Though, they were mistimed ones, so eh, still trying to master it.

    Actually most of the crucial changes to survivability happened in the more recent wave of revamps in the last year or two, long after Xguns release, but I digress. Point is people have made it work with far less than what Xgun has now. Even today with Sword Lann most of the times I use Nimble Dash are because I'm not familiar with the boss or I know I screwed up my positioning/timing on the first dodge. I usually use only Slip Dash (same i-frames as xgun roll, probably worse distance) to save stamina and get some more uptime on attacks. Back when I was leveling my Xgun for the level up events I made it through just fine never using bolt-roll for anything other than getting through maps quicker. The majority of attacks in the game can be dodged with only one dodge, and some positioning.

    Admittedly, I don't really see why such a change was "necessary," especially considering stuff like Delia's infinite twirl and Evie's rapid blink chains still exist, but what I'm getting at is that a lot of people seem to be blowing it out of proportion saying they're going to delete their Kai or he's useless or whatever, which is far from the case. If anyone should be complaining about a crappy dodge it's bow Kai, lol.

    hmm true, but matter of it is that X gun used to catch up to said classes now, but since the nerf, we're biting the dust again due to mobility loss. As stated before, I'm still practicing this new trick with the Nerfed kai's dodge, and once I master it, it will be close to the original, but with a bit less distance. My regular sprint runs are about 1-2 minutes behind my original roll runs with farming, so that's a little digression there. The only reason why I blew up the first time around is because the wording on the notes made absolutely no sense what-so-ever when a decreased delay means you can dodge more often in that period of time, not less. HAD they say that it had been an increased delay, or say that the "roll clipping ended up being a bug that had needed fixes", then I would have instead adapted to the new "nerf" and probably more than likely master how it works and continue about my normal business. I don't like how they Turn left cheek saying one thing and then doing another that ends up crippling the capabilities of said class. I don't like how DERPCAT covers everything u4p as far as glitches and issues goes for us NA folk and then wonder why most of us stop supporting the game and end up quitting. It's all about loyalty and that goes both ways.

    As for the other dodging mechanics, I appreciate cleaning that up for me. I played a bit of the other classes, but I gave up on them subsequently because I get bored playing a melee role. That along with having a HUGE dependence on the speed stat and having a +15 just to do decent damage.
  • Kai's X gun kai rolls

    Cashews wrote: »
    For the people complaining that Xgun Kai has a crap dodge without bolt-rolling, I have to wonder if you ever played old-school Spear Lann, Staff Evie, or Sword Lann. Or Fiona when like 70% of end-game was unblockable attacks. People used to do 1 hp solos on Spear Lann with NO i-frames. Back when Scythe Evie only had one blink she had a difficult time with combo attacks as well if you didn't move correctly. Positioning plays as much a role in this game as casually i-framing through attacks.

    Seriously, it's really not that bad. What about attacks where Pillar Karok can't absorb them, or Vella can't cross cut them? Vella can't even appropriately chain dodges together because of slipaway, and Karok's roll doesn't have invuln. You just have to move right to get out of the way. It's not like Xgun Kai has 0.2 sec invuln, he has over half a second. "Now I can't easily dodge combo attacks" has been a problem for a lot of other characters long before this update. I can see how this would be problematic in solo play, but with the exception of Ein Lacher most people tend to party with at least one other player. If you used to rely on the bolt-roll a lot, then it'll obviously take some getting used to, but that doesn't mean the way the dodge is now is bad or insufficient.

    That was way before X gun was released... like 2010 Vindictus era... back when soloing was extremely difficult and you only had level 60 weapons to work with along with broken mechanics that were beyond the capabilities of the player... at times.

    Though, I've been practicing with the new dodge, and turns out there is a way to reduce said delay even further by shift dashing (ctrl + w - quick press) as you finish the dodge. It isn't exactly the same as the original bolt dodge, but if it helps reduce delays, at least it's a plus for me. When I did glas Ein lacher with this trick, it reduced the amount of hits I took from 12 to 4 hits. Though, they were mistimed ones, so eh, still trying to master it.
  • Kai's X gun kai rolls

    bananaya wrote: »
    Are there any videos of Xgun Kais soloing Neamhain? Best I could find were Korean Duo and the Xgun being the partner. If they have the same mechanics, might as well see how they play. It's a drag that there's no practice mode.

    Things I've observed:
    - When Neit attacks with the triple ring move, the Xgun Kai dodges slightly off from the center so that he will have enough time to dodge the upcoming overlapping ring.
    - The Xgun Kai can attack the claws with Perforate and Six Shooter while they're idle (much like Kraken tentacles)
    - When fighting Neamhain, he fights close to mid-range to her in order to avoid dealing with the purple circle.

    While surviving is definitely a hassle, it's possible. But compared to other characters, you have to be more reactive and smart to where you should dodge.

    Bolt storm and massive impact can also hit the claws as well to do damage. There are plenty of openings for neit to take bolt storms, but nemain, forget it, you're better off staying your distance and fire perfs and massive impacts when able. Since kai isn't as mobile as he used to be, openings for dual hollows are few and far between.
  • Changing GMT time in game?

    Is there a way to change this to display the correct time based on location? thanks in advance, really odd seeing the vindy clock be 5 hours ahead of the satellite clock in the EST time zone.
  • Kai's X gun kai rolls

    At least some peeps are giving me hope of coming back and adapting to the new dodge. I'm gonna take a few days off from raiding, and focus on just doing bingo so I can get used to it. Though, it just sucks now that perfect dodges can still mean taking damage because as soon as said feet touch the ground, the invulnerable frame area ends. Even F1 dodges can still get you hit if you're lagging or any sort like that.