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Alright, now that I'm finally in the forums again. Going to discard some outdated posts and ones that contain mistakes. Idk what happened, but kept getting server error 1599 again and again.


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Personal Quote
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -Ansem Kingdom Hearts
About Me
Just a person who enjoys playing ranged characters in MMO games.
  • Can anyone get me up to speed?

    Ah, merge happened.

    Vindy XE is no more. All servers are based on Vindy Prem client (which NA/KR normally plays).

    Fiona has a revamp with small shield where the shield no longer breaks during the midst of a fight. Damage overall has been improved of Fiona and she can rack up big damage with counter hits and charges.

    The regular guard can protect you from minor hits, while the heavy guard will protect you from hit that have more force, but be wary that this will cause recoil from protecting against the attack where you can charge back to counter attack. Note that pressing space once will trigger the regular guard, while holding space will trigger the heavy guard.

    I think there's some full character guides on their respective threads, so feel free to look around.

    Hope these will answer your questions.
  • To people complaining about RNG and population

    Cessa wrote: »

    Ever played an MMO known as Soul of the Ultimate Nation or Dragon Nest? I probably guessing one has not.... That game's RNG for elite gear was so pitiful... almost 3 times as bad as vindictus. Booming at +0. having to grab level 4 mayan metals that has a 80% chance to fail when crafting (along with crafting elite gear even if you manage to grind that many level 1 metals and get enough level 4s only to have everything explode in your face and force you to start over from the beginning) from level 3 mayan metals... and in DN, that gear, even when protected can lose one or two enhancement levels when attempting. HILARIOUS.

    Secondly, Buying with in game money is a bit more of a grind than buying boxes with IRL money depending on said region on place and hope for the best. It took me three days of straight grinding to get my first regina primary weapon when it first came out, where they were usually around 300m-450m depending on the roll + abilities that said weapon prime had.

    Additionally, there's events where they give one free runes, where I used said free runes on top of my normal farming sessions to make money + make my weapon stronger. Before I went on with Immoral, I started with Decisive (WHICH can be found in Proof of courage on Hero mode). If people are complaining about free stuff, then what's the point of having the event in the first place???

    +10 Decisive Valor 80 weapon (mainly abyss, heremon, or armageddon) with a mix of heremon's armor (chest and leg) and Noblesse helm, arm, and boot, can easily solo S3 runs if you have enough practice into your character. Everything in vindictus takes time, effort, and probably lots of weapon/armor dust to boot. It's the best mixed 80 set one can really do if they want a balance of defense and attack.

    Personally, I don't care about getting infusions, and it's never necessary to gather 100 said stones to infuse the blue brooch to risk getting +2 to crit, when it makes little to no difference considering that I'm almost capped for S3 in terms of critical ratio. You don't need to have infused accessories just to reach end game. S3 dungeon farming takes less gear requirements than to say trying to solo S3 raids, or let alone Freaking Neamhain for that matter (which I still find optional to this day).

    and if one really know my stats in game, then how much attack, critical rating, balance, attack speed, and my favorite of the bunch, stamina do I really have? I'll give them a guess on that to see if they remember the exact numbers. Really that shouldn't be brought up on forums in all honesty because that only promotes hostile behavior (btw good job if they've been paying attention as of the late).

    Btw, if one thinks I should min-max myself for neamhain of which will still kill you in about 2 or 3 hits even if you have 13-15,000 defense, then all I'm really doing is just wasting my time when I could instead be farming gold... to each their own though.

    Really, the question is though, do element stones really blow up a weapon as opposed to failing an R7 enchant OR going beyond +10 without a rune? No. if one ends up getting negative stats, then one can easily fix it by grabbing another one, or trading said god mats for gold, and buying one from MP. It's not that complex when thinking about it with consideration...

    TLDR: If one thinks that Videk is the worst of the three in terms of RNG and material gathering, remember that one can gather for element materials BUTT NAKED in twilight desert if you sneak past the mobs. Literally anyone can do it and get rich off of it assuming that shamir doesn't glitch and trigger his boss fight. And for catalysts... well one can do red archer in the same matter, but without doing hero mode for the by-product of enhancement elixirs. Congratulations... I'm surprised that the min-maxers didn't know that farming element stones was THAT easy if one knows what they're doing, yet they are too busy spreading negativity on the forums that ends up deterring new blood from progressing in the game before even giving a chance to do so when there are gold guides to show these spots from the positive side of the vindy community...

    To have one thing is a cost of another, and that still holds true to this day when the salt shaker is accidentally spilled. one does not need all infusions to get golden god, one does not need +15 to get golden god. To get titles like those, is to train yourself for the better and being persistent to the point of insanity.

    and to motivate everyone else that has doubts:

    A true hero is not necessarily the fastest or strongest, but is the bravest, upholding challenges that even sends them to the brink of insanity, even going the extra mile to prove that the bravest are the ones that hold victories and showing that persistence will eventually pay off even if they are against their odds, even if they are against a salt filled community that believes them to see nothing but eternal darkess. Even in the depths of shadows, there is still light that will gift the player with the strength to surpass others that has walled them down to the point where they cannot do anything. Am I a human? Am I a machine? What really am I? Is reality really a mirage for being forced to follow different beliefs bound to living their life in that same path?

    I am Ikarsu, one that will show that there is still hope for some that has given up, even if I have to sacrifice what's left of my sanity to prove that. The strong does not put others down, but they lift them up and motivate them to succeed, and not even negativity will stop my path. Even if I have to experience everlasting pain, I will still do it, because I know that someone, somewhere, someday will succeed my willpower and shine light upon me should it ever burnout. I may be great, but there will always be someone better than me no matter how hard I try, and I accept that destiny, because that is when my victory is achieved.
  • Ikarsu's Ein Lacher Speed kill archives.

    Bosses 41 and 42. Bosses killed: 42/70


  • Returned item disappearing?

    Regular sent items if not accepted will take 7 days after sending it to bounce back.

    COD sent items will take 2 hours if not accepted to bounce back.

    In the event of the bouncing back, you can keep the item in the mail for up to 7 days, and if the mailing pages are full, you can delete irrelevant mail to see if it pops up. After 7 days pass of bouncing back, the item will automatically be deleted whether or not you received it.

    Enchant scroll times and other event item timers also factor in with their expiration dates of 7 days after receiving it as a drop... so be EXTREMELY wary before sending it to another toon or user. If they are bounced back, enchant scrolls will remain unbound.

    For legendary shards, the items will still remain unbound if they are bounced back. This is useful if you want to keep shards that you do not want to dismantle.

    For trading weapons/armor unbound by unbinding potions, it is unsure if they rebind if bounced back.
  • What is your daily routine?

    DownIoad wrote: »
    Any wolfs in this thread or y'all just sheep?

    No wonder you guys get bored, try not doing the same 'routine' and spice up life.

    The only wolf I seem to see is one that hunts down their prey in packs. The sheep is considered weak while the wolf is strong and trains others of their own pack to be come stronger. The omega will eventually become the alpha of the pack after indigenous training and leads others to victory.

    In order for a sheep to become strong, they must learn to stop relying on their farming brethren and learn not to fall into the clutches of the wolf.

    The price of being a wolf is experiencing loneliness, while the price of the sheep is sheer boredom. Destiny is clear. That is whom I am, Ikarsu, A wolf destined to lead others to victory at the cost of my own sanity.

