1. How did you find about Vindictus?Yaaaaas Orange!
-from excessive nagging brothers
2. How long have you been playing?
-since august 2012
3. Who was your first character?
4. What would you consider your greatest achievement?
-hmm thats a toughie, id say +15 scythe from +0, but id like to tie that from first hard mode solo with spear lann...the pain
5. Favorite color scheme to use on equipment?
6. Favorite dungeon?
-i dont have a particular favorite, but id say beokros (frostborn seal) especially since everyone else hated this run, itd give me a giggle and it was the first raid i solo'd before any kind of revamp for lann (when spears had no iframes)
So many people want a buff somewhere and somehow. We need to take a few steps back because the game is way too easy now. They should have never added top damage because that's all people wanna do now is compare. How is that fun? And what's the reward? "Look guys, I got top damage"....I don't care, thanks for the party +best. You will never achieve a utopia of character balance, never. Increase the fun factor instead. Everyone loves speed. Give everyone ranking speed skill and have fun. Lawd have some mercy!