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  • Lann is impossible in Neamhain...

    GucciDown wrote: »
    Basically the title..
    I play spear lann with pretty decent stats, 3k ad 127 crit(+22 from FI) and 68 speed with the rest capped.
    I'm just kind of frustrated playing lann in neamhain. I have around 30 clears now, my surviability is pretty good, I rarely ever die or use all of my potions. It's just no matter how well i play I can't seem to ever do better than 5-6%. This raid is complete bullshit for lann, I rarely can start up any moonsplitter combo, and I find myself having to constantly dodge spam. It's frustrating thinking I did well, then getting 8th behind miris with +10 gear, like wtf...
    I fear like all the future raids will be like this, if so, what's the point in anyone staying lann. The devs completely shafted this class, I've done it a few times with top tier lanns such as the number 1 ranked lann, ikevi, and if he can't even get top , then i have no hope :(.

    If you guys have any tips on how to approach this raid I would greatly appricate it. Though it's probably to delete lann :(.

    You might actully be doing good without knowing it.In fact 3k additional damage is not that much.I have been very impressed with some players from China,Taiwan,Thailand.Maybe this can help:

    I never tried this raid on Lann,but id assume youd need to use Blood Pact all the time and not over commit to Hurricane/Moonsplitter.While the penalty from getting hit during Blood Pact is high,you'd still have to be close to her pretty much all the time.

    A spear Lann carry a short run last week and his stats where not that impressive.
  • abourt Ein Lacher

    Battles of the day are the ones you can do without using a special pass:

    You can get a special pass in the shop,but it's not worth it for now.You're probably better off focusing on the avaialable daily battles rather than spending selas on the passes:

    Any battle under the *other battle* banner are not available unless you use a special pass:

  • Minimal specs for decent gaming?

    Plakster wrote: »
    i think intel/nvidia seem to work best for this game

    im using this:

    CPU: I7 5820k overclock to 4.3ghz
    Video Card: nvidia GTX 1080 MSI
    Ram: Corsair 32G Vengeance LPX 3000hz

    i have this game on max settings i can stream and host 8 man and still get great fps i do get some spikes but that just the game :P


    My 8 years old INTel(XPS 9100)was hosting much better than my actual AMD 6300/6 Core Processor 3,5 GHz.I could host 8 people party for a good couple years with it.With my current AMD, i can host 1 person correctly even thoe my connection is really fit for the game(Cable/extra fast).

    AMD gives better options in term of pricing and will still give you a *respectable* level of performance.However when it comes to Multi tasking,AMD suffers a lot.Also,Vindictus seems to be special(extra demanding) in term of hosting and i think that if you want to constantly host you'd be better off with a decent Intel processor.The game seems to put a lot of *stress* on PC components and you need a build that is strong enough to wisthand it over a good period of time.Maybe not necessarely over a 2K budget but realistically i think between 1-2k(CAD)

    I do plan to eventually switch back to InTel
    For video Card,i have been using GTX 960 for the past 2 years.It's enough for me i enjoy the game on low graphics and i can't play with (effect from other players high),anyway because(1:30:27 to 1:30:33):


    Apparently,you might want to get a graphic card that has 4 GB Ram minimum

    Other than that i would reccomand the best cooling possible without necessarely killing your wallet,but the game does stress the PC a lot and it will warm up.

    Anyway,with the build that Plakster posted you would have more than enough,the little technicalities that you could encounter there and there would be on the game's side.

    This is just from personal observations and quick researches,but im definitely not expert with computers^^^^


    If i do a very quick search,i would say something like that would be a *realistic minimal requirement* to host,record and everything.The price is in Canadian currency and i guess someone with more knowledge could build something similar for cheaper?

    (You could still use a weaker graphic card i think)

    As you said,the minimal requirement posted on the site are not enough to play this particular game in a comfortable way.
  • To all the always complaining people

    elcausa wrote: »
    Yes it's possible to outdps people with higher enhanced weapons or at least come close now, after rise because of the additional damage rework, the scaling is not the same, a +15 will hit for 2-3x of what a +10 will do

    Ya i have been looking at a few raids results.Right now,a last place would go somewhere under 10%,but not under 1%...a first place can be somewhere between 20% and 40% *in average*.

    However with the new formula i have been seing a lot of these(2:21:15 from the video):

    62% 1st place
    0,59% last place
  • Reset enhance to +12 or retain +13-15 after RISE?


    Changes to Item Enhancement

    If i follow well,you wouldn't be able to enhance it further if it was for example +13.If it's already +15 it will stay as it is but won't be elligible to go over +15 since items that are under level 90 are considered *Non-rare*
