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  • Why is Balance even a thing?

    Yula wrote: »
    Hmmm, wasn't balance equal to the amount of times you hit the hardest? Let's say a certain Fiona has amaranth kicks ranging from 10k to 30k. With low balance, she will mostly hit 10-15k, high balance will allow her to frequently hit close to 30k.

    Am I correct? If not why am I spending money on getting high balance ._.

    Yeah, balance tightens the range of numbers your hits range from. If the highest an attack will hit for is 100k, then with 90 balance it will average 95k. But with 30 balance, the attack will average 65k.

    That's why if balance wasn't a thing, players would speed stack without taking a hit to their balance and everyone would hit fast and hit hard.
  • Why is Balance even a thing?

    If balance wasn't a thing, how are you gonna stop players who speed-stack with fast on everything. Potential 120+ speed characters with nothing holding them back.

    This does ruin character balance too since some characters would benefit a great deal more from having that high-speed opposed to others.
  • Halloween Party 2017 Event Preview

    it's unfair to have it across that many servers, some servers like KR have an advantage because they have stats/items we don't have access to
  • Your Thoughts on Additional Damage Changes?

    This system managed to change kicking lower geared players from your boat, to kicking high geared players so the boss doesn't die in 2 minutes.
  • Help with DPS

    Karamyth wrote: »
    Question2 wrote: »
    Arcane gate still does massively more damage than void star + MOD + BT.

    Simply take a video, record how long it takes you to get arcane gate off and compare it to void star + MOD + BT on a sandbag. Arcane gate still wins easily.

    I don't think so, because you can spam void star back to back twice if you have the SP to do it whenever it's up, and it is only a 5 second cooldown, with a cat statue and keep doing smashes, you can probably do 20-30 void stars before Arcane Gate's cooldown is ready. So let's say I take the less number of 20 void stars, it would be 20*5k = 100k Dmg non crit, 20*10k = 200k Dmg crit, we can take the middle which is 150k Dmg just from spamming Void Star alone, and plus MOD + BT in the meantime, you will have a lot more DPS than 1 single Arcane Gate in 1:30 to 2:00 cooldown, which is roughly around 50k non-crit to 90k crit DMG. I spam void star very often and I get usually top 3 in S3 raids with it.

    This argument doesn't make much sense because you are comparing how much damage 20-30 void star does against a single arcane gate, a single arcane gate does not take enough time for you to cast 20-30 void stars. Question2 was saying to compare the damage of arcane gate against the damage of void star + BT + MOD on sandbag IN the amount of time it takes to cast arcane gate, NOT in the CD time of arcane gate.

    With my speed it takes 11 seconds to do a full AG on sandbag boss (longer if the boss moves), you cannot beat that damage with just voidstar + MOD +BT in that amount of time.

    Arcane gate is amazing for dps, you should always use it as much as you can and void stars in between when it is on cooldown.