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Also known as Nocatia (Europe) Youtube: /user/SirRFI
  • Generic TIPS: Season 3 raids


    I participated in Loading Banner Design Contest 2016 (EU) back in the time, which resulted in creating short generic tips for all raids in Season 3. To ensure my work does not go for nothing, I would like to share them with You. Up-vote is appreciated if You find it useful.

    • I tried avoiding spoiling the story as much as possible.
    • Tips are ordered in story order.
    • Open up spoiler tag for the content, or click on season-header for entire album.
    • Click on image for full-resolution version.
    • Some terms may come from old EU translation.
    • Newer in-game content might be added in future.

    Season 3 - full album

    Paradise of Oblivion: Prologue


    Paradise of Oblivion - Episode 1: Path of the Hero (Ben Chenner Entrance)


    Paradise of Oblivion - Episode 2: A Mountain of Ash (Ben Chenner Trailhead)


    Paradise of Oblivion - Episode 3: Shadow and Light (Ben Chenner Slopes)



    Paradise of Oblivion - Episode 4: Crossroads of Ruin (Ben Chenner Summit)





    Paradise Crossing - Episode 1 (5): Third Disciple (Lochlann Plains)
  • [Forum] Table support

    Back on EU forums we had a list of trusted NX gift-sellers, list of enchant scroll prices, also as several guides (including these I made myself) - all of them used tables for better representation of information or data. Now that we are on the new forums - there's one major issue about importing these threads: despite BBcode is being used, TABLE and related tags are disabled. This was also the case when the forums still used HTML.

    Here are new counterparts of the threads linked above:
    Trusted NX gift-sellers
    List of enchant scroll prices (it's an old thread that has HTML still enabled, and apparently tables has been enabled meanwhile)

    I have started importing and reworking my threads as well. However, because tables are disabled - I had to use lists and quotes, and here's the result:

    That being said:
    Please enable TABLE and related tags (TH, TR, TD).
    Support this thread if You agree.
  • Transformation changes

    For last few days I have been doing research on transformation changes that were introduced with December 2016 update in Korea. Here's what I have learned from various sources:

    Brief summary of most significant changes:
    • You will be able to transform more often, because transformation is now "charge"/"ammunition" based (can stack up to 3 transformation charges, but still limited to once per battle). Charges still refills with time.
    • Abilities have significantly changed and moved to Path tab in Skills window. Auras, MAX HP, ATK/DEF and HP regeneration abilities has been removed. New abilities allow transformation to last longer and increase ATK CAP limit.
    • There are no more transformation levels - they are replaced with TP, which works like AP. Your path levels will be transferred into TP, and You will be able to reassign them. You can max out every ability with a total of 80 000 TP. Presumably 1 EXP = 1 TP (1 level = 2000 TP).
    • Other abilities are either unchanged or have slightly modified values. The stamina recovery ability in 2nd transformation recovers 60 stamina every 5 seconds when maxed. SP gain modifier ability seems to be weakened, since it probably gains +50% now instead of +90%, not to mention there's no additional ability with same functionality in 2nd transformation.

    More into details:

    Overall concept:
    • Transformation does not have it's own levels any more. The progression You have made so far has been translated into TP (Transformation Points).
    • Presumable 1 transformation EXP = 1 TP, which calculates to 2000 TP per level (80 000 TP on 40 level). Here's why I think so.
    • Transformation abilities has been moved to Path tab in Skills window.
    • The abilities are unlockable and upgradeable like normal skills, they just require TP instead.
    • Obtaining TP works about the same as transformation experience previously on.
    • Transformation is no longer available again at the beginning of new hour. Instead, with time points are generated, 100 of which are required to use transformation. You can have up to 300 points.
    • Seemingly 1 point regenerates every minute.
    • You can have up to 80 000 TP, which is enough to max every transformation ability.
    • I don't know what happened to base stats provided by transformations, if anything.

    Transformation abilities
    • Aura abilities have been removed (certain amount of SP to every party member every moment for Paladin, certain amount of maximum stamina to every party member every moment for Dark Knight).
    • Apparently the +300~900 STR/AGI/WIL/INT abilities have been removed.
    • Apparently the +MAX HP abilities have been removed.
    • Apparently the +ATK/DEF abilities have been removed. There's nothing that uses their icon.
    • Apparently the HP regeneration ability has been removed. There's nothing that uses it's icon.
    • New ability has been added, that uses old aura icon. It's located in second transformation and increases "Remove ATT limit" by 1800 on maximum level.
    • New abilities has been added to increase transformation duration. They use the "Potential" and "Destiny" icons (+300~900 stats). There's one of them per transformation forms, each increasing the duration for this particular transformation only by 30 seconds when maxed.
    • In addition to that, there's another ability that increases transformation duration on both forms when killing units. It grants extra 5 seconds of duration when maxed, but still cannot exceed some duration limit. HP icon (crow for DK, eagle/whatever for Pal) has been used for it.
    • Fatigue ability (obtained SP modifier) has been modified. The tooltip displays "150%", so it's probably 150% (as in +50%) modifier. Assuming it's right, in an example You will get 15 SP instead of 10. Icon unchanged (shuriken for DK, eagle/pigeon/other bird for Pal)
    • Stamina ability now grands 60 stamina every 5 seconds when maxed, instead of 8 per 5.
    • Resistance to attacks (as in flinching) ability is unchanged - still grants +95% on maximum.
    • Amount of projectiles ability (Firestorm & Divine Punishement) seems unchanged.
    • Special ability on 2nd form (Fissure & Convinction) seems unchanged.
    • Special ability improvement seems unchanged.
    • I don't know what changes, if any, where made to the projectile ability (Steal & Grasp).

    Note: These values has been taken from Dark Knight, but they are most likely the same for Paladin.

    Sekaiiz wrote: »
    Compiled a list of the skills and points needed to max:


    This is all what I managed to gather. I don't know if 2nd transformation form still requires 10 AP or uses TP instead. Guess what's important is already mentioned above. I don't know if Paladin abilities are identical, but they are likely to be, so the only differences would be visuals, projectiles and special ability, unless there are stats differences applied to the transformation itself, which I don't know.

    I would appreciate up-votes if You found this useful, probably so do everyone else who spends a bit of time trying to share wide amount of information, possibly well-presented.

    Source highlights:
    Note: I don't take any responsibility for possible threats that may lie within the source links.
    AequipondiumManiaCookieZaytiatusGewelliriousTheDayInLoveMochiSweetTabbedDNAnthraXDecayedheroAeledingand 13 others.
  • Heroes DB / Vindi DB is going down

    I happen to know the creator of HeroesDB. There are few factors that resulted in this decision, some of them are mentioned in the reddit post. One of them being concern about region-block, which came to live. Why would one upkeep a fan website for a game he CAN NOT EVEN LOGIN TO any more, not necessarily from his own choice?

    I knew about HeroesDB most likely going down for months now. I have been thinking about taking over the project - decision is yet to be done, as I am still busy with my diplom. There's one major issue though - I could share similar fate as other fan site creators, which is definitely something I don't want to.
  • what does XE stand for, in "Vindictus XE"

    XE stands for eXtreme Edition. Weiss_Oswald summarised some of the changes, but there are way more than it. I am not sure if there exist a full list of the actual differences as of current, because some of them were merged with premiere along time.

    You can search for various discussions we had back in the European forums. Probably none of them is truly full, especially considering fact some people tend to bring false arguments such as "premiere is like 125% of combo", or bringing non-version related changes (like TIR).

    If You want to learn more about XE, here's a post I made back in while. Now that we are on premiere, I would modify the list a bit, because there's more to that.

    Is there anything more You want to know?