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I play this game way too much...
  • The return of Gallagher's Dice.

    Suhpreme wrote: »
    what were the best prizes to come out of the dice event? i dont think i ever participated in this one

    The good one:

    The meh one:

    The really cruddy one:
  • Which AMD processor for Vindictus?

    LeXicO wrote: »
    Intel cpus may take a 5 - 30% performance hit with the software patch, which will never completly fix the issue because it is hardware based.. Intel has stated that they will fix the issue when they roll out new chips. While amd may also be vulnerable there chips are much safer and will be able to be fixed with a simple bios or firmware update. It's just a bad time to have an Intel cpu in your system because their issue is far worse and much harder to fix without a complete redesign...

    The average user will not see any performance changes after they install the patch. The change only affects heavy read/write centered tasks. IE the cloud is definitely going to be hurt, but you won't see any changes even if you are using your computer to play a game + surf the web with 40 tabs open + stream a move + play with office docs. Heck even running jmp scripts in the background wouldn't see much of a time increase. But you might see a hit if you are running 10 VNC sessions all performing a major # of read calls. (Heck tests with the Linux patch have shown that even CPU intensive Video compilations didn't have any change between being patched and not.)

    That said OP has requested only an AMD chip. As mentioned, Ryzen is the only way to go. A good CPU, just ideal for things that aren't focused on games ;-)

    You just might want to keep an eye out to see if some great sales appear suddenly.
  • --closed--

    Grats, no clue on what they are actually worth. Just don't get ripped off. (IE it is likely well above gold cap.)
  • [Ranking] Additional Damage

    GambIe wrote: »
    AD is the main stat which determine how strong our characters are.. so why it does not affect ranking score at all? xD
    It does

    Nope, only att limit does. AD is ignored. And as you said it is just luck or how much gold you have to buy someone else's luck.

    That said weapons obviously jump in pts just because you get the extra att/att spd for each lvl.
  • bad advice about weapons?

    You need to look at additional damage. The dul weapon will have more base att, but you should be able to hit ~27-28k att without too much work using a +13 lv 90, so then you are basically at att cap. The only really nice thing (right now) about the dul weapons is the extra crit you get from them. Eventually they will make att cap closer to 30k, then the dul weapon will start being more equivalent.