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I play this game way too much...
  • Shining Keaghan's rediculous requirements& 95Raids

    Yep it stinks.

    Personally I wouldn't bother doing much to your weapon since lv 95 is coming next week.

    But at least you can get around it if you don't use QB... That said it will stink filling the boat :-(
  • Newest event isn't a total loss atleast,

    crackmonk wrote: »
    knowing my luck, i'll get a diamond with my arisha :(

    That would likely be the best, sell the diamond, buy the cheaper stuff ;-)
  • on-time event rewards?

    The 3 items shown first on the announcement page: http://vindictus.nexon.net/news/23487/rise-events
  • Difficulty Post Rise Update

    Xark wrote: »
    The S1 bosses are now balanced to be soloed by new accounts doing the story.

    They should increase the hp and decrease the damage of the S1 bosses though. This way solo players can learn more and boss battles in a team last longer than 3 seconds.

    Have you actually run any of the S1 with a new character? (using the free gear the game pushes on you) It is 2-3 smash attacks and the boss is dead. That isn't balanced. That is just boring.
  • "Special" Raid Battle Pow req of 37K! -default req

    Puppyman wrote: »
    I mean I'm kind of impressed you have a +15 90 and below 24k att, if I read that right cause I can hardly find a good look at stats without zooming in my browser to infinity

    Either way, Dully will cap at 28.5k so while not with current content(neam aside) it will be mainstream reqs very soon.

    Obviously this is just an alt that got very lucky, without me doing much at all for here she is still caped on almost all content. That said cap doesn't mean much with 3650 Add Damage...

    My point is since when do we want to force def minimums? At least I can run her in normal mode without QB, but that boat wont fill unless you mega. (Before QB just had a min att... but now it is just absurd.)

    (And 28.5k is suppose to be cap for lv 95 gear... stuff that auto gives 3k more att. It used to be that most folks never got to cap. And honestly looking at my other "ranked" alts, there are very few folks out there that have >37k power.)
