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I really like this guildie-boost event. This poll probably will not change the announced event duration, but let's try it anyways.
Dear GM's, please consider our votes!
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Prior to the recent update, my ultimate goal in this game had been to successfully enhance a +15 Lv90 weapon on my own. I failed countless number of times and I currently use a +13.
No matter how much effort was poured by players like me, +15 Lv90 weapon users and RNG itself dominated the server to an undeniable extent. Once a character was fully end-geared, it would almost be awkward for them to die in any battle. In a rough summary, it generally has been a very easy and repetitive game for many of us.
Now, the update. Everything is on a brand new level where only the players that meet the minimum requirements are allowed to join the Redeemer boat. In here, +15 weapons can definitely give the user an edge once they master the raid, but until then, only the player's adaptive skill and reflex are needed. Here, I was able to meet godly players that proves their skills before my eyes. The best of the best players I witnessed does not come anywhere close to stats cap. I was mind blown. At the same time, I realized that Vindictus is finally rewarding the players that deserve it. Now, don't get the wrong idea that I'm trying to include myself in that category. I still panic here and there and die often. I'm slowly improving.
I hope that upcoming episodes/chapters will be continuously challenging for us.
What are your thoughts on the Redeemer raid in comparison to our past raids?