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As Download and AimAndKill said, there are two forms of auto-loot.
1) Upon finishing the mission, you will get the drops of all main objective bosses automatically. Normally this will just be one, but some missions like Two Moons have two bosses, or Season 2 and Season 3 areas which typically have more than two.
2) Waiting 5-10 minutes, will auto-loot any items in your current area that are on the ground. This includes loot-able evil cores, mined ores that haven't been picked up, ergs, spirit remnants, and magic powder. Gold coins, luminary trees, raw ore deposits, and erg pots are not auto-looted.
One of the best DS games ever, and probably the best non-linear time-travel game. Fans of Japanese anime and RPGs will recognize many of the developers and artists.
Yes. My sister convinced me to get the Permanent Inner coupon from the Super Weekend attendance event to pick out an inner for my Evie. However, we forgot about the coupon and it expired after 7 days. Wasted 3 tickets, but I doubt I would've done anything with the other items I could have gotten either.
Brakis' implication placed a dent in the betting man's confidence. Straightening himself, he assured Brakis that nothing was afoul, "No need to be concerned! Once Fluffy and his over-stuffed bear clean up this Arena, there'll be plenty of gold to go around."