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  • I started muting my game when I play now. Voice performance aside, the audio issues with overlapping sounds and bad mixing is pretty noticeable.
  • Can we double the length of the oxidation phase please, it has my favourite track from the entire game kthxbye.
  • Probably has the best inv space dodge in the game. Gameplay is fairly smooth although slow where you need to wind it back until you can use your tab skill. Deforestation acting like a supercancel out of your normal combos somewhat remedy the issue a…
  • You forgot to consider the damage you gain from the initial attack over defense. At 6k ad, it will still make up around 20% of your total effective attack assuming you cap attack at 10k over boss defense. And adding to the part about attack limit…
  • You can make a +13 Dulla without too much hassle and it should be a pretty big boost over the +11 Astera in raids. The only issue you may run into is lacking the power to clear the lvl 100 raid reqs if the rest of your setup is lacking.
  • A +15 Dulla can break 40k with the new redeemer stats and some ap epaulets although hitting the 200 crit cap is still rather difficult. With that said, a +15 Astera on average will set you back enough gold to fully max out attack limit on a Dulla…
  • Just find yourself a nice table like I did.
  • Sure you can notice the difference, but the question is whether that little boost in speed can let you add in an additional smash every once in a while to actually cut down on clear time. 7% faster speed then with drag added on top isn’t gonna let y…
  • Cb, Staff, and Glaive comes to mind when it comes to characters with significantly worse dodges than Spear Lann. Hell spear Lann has even longer inv frames and lower recovery frames than Teide Hurk and I have no trouble playing him within melee r…
  • Spear Lann hasn't been the hardest class since 2015 with his revamp. His difficulty stemmed from the low inv frames on his roll and the long recovery frames on glides which since then has been buffed over and beyond. Sword Lann was never really dif…
  • 80 to 100 speed isn't really significant as it's roughly 7% faster attacking speed without factoring in drag. With that said, I do see some Kr vids where the user is using an event suffix ES for armor which hasn't been released in NA afaik. It gi…
  • Lol comparing winning the lottery to failstacking equipment in Vindictus to 15, how dense can you be? You can budget around anything as long as you are provided with the rates to do so. The payoff on the other hand will ofcourse depend on how much r…
  • sadrazam wrote: » Atherion wrote: » Well this explains a lot, you went full Astera without a proper budget or roadmap. . Implying a roadmap is useful in an extreme RNG based game like vindictus. lol Implying a budget is relevant in an extrem…
  • Well this explains a lot, you went full Astera without a proper budget or roadmap. This mistake could have been easily avoided if you did some research into the game mechanics before going all in. Your poor financing decisions and lack of research a…
  • FlameSama1 wrote: » I really struggle to think what the powercreep of reforging adds that positive to gameplay for the average player. If this was back five years ago, where 15s were supposedly like 30 per server (a number I heard once upon a time…
  • Your main smashes in the rotation will be execute, crescent, and full moon. For your dodge, try to not rely on your charge (directional dodge) but only blockade (neutral dodge) by itself as it offers the most perfect frames and is extremely forgivin…
  • Progression in this game has never been easier. Before reforging was introduced, how many people actually had 6k ad? It was even rare even among the biggest whales as everyone was subject to shitty rng. The issue is that yall look at 6k ad like its …
  • RAR and OS on multiple characters was how a few people I knew and myself did it. Prioritize one character so its strong enough to run lvl 100 raids and do decent in OS while spamming RAR on all your poverty alts. 2-3 seasons of OS should get you …
  • There is the RAR event going on right now, so doing those raids as many times as you can can yield quite a bit of profit due to increased drop rates for shards. Outside of the event, a lot of people spam s2 raids for equipment which you can disma…
  • I found Miri and TS Vella the fastest with the latter surprising me. Miri: high burst, large aoe, high mobility. Plus you unlock her chainswing early on. 1-95 took me between 6-7 hours with vip and event exp boosts I had stocked. TS Vella: low…