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i probe all titles in the list but the counter looks first froozen then it jumps 4 steps and then 7 steps up so its now froozen at 350 titles. titles like Carpenter didnt count again since that.
but 4 the missing NPC crafting u can start to sell the under Level 90 gear complete with the deleted classics in set form over ur shop maybe like the emote !
U can not go to the spring with it - Character crashes then.
Its the same at the start up Screen (Character Selection Screen)
If u equip the set - the Inventory window will Close after every Item.
Its since the update so
The Set is now not longer in the Tailoring List but the crafted ones are still broken in the Bags.
Text of the Set is not longer allowed in Chat. If someone Need this Bug Set 4 a Gag let me know please -